Chapter 1318: Help me

When she saw Long Chen hurt Obuta, she didn't realize that he just wanted the stone which apparently belonged to him before it was tossed here.

Moreover, in a way, he was taking care of her too, since Obuta could have exposed her involvement and had her punished. She wondered if she was too hasty before. 

Unfortunately, she couldn't change the past now. All she could do was regret the way things went down. 

In the meantime, the old man returned, carrying a young man who was missing both his hands and one of his legs. 

"Is that the work of Long Chen?" Zhu Chang asked the Blood Dragon Emperor, noticing the condition of the young man. 

"That's right. He was interrogating him, but the boy refused to answer," The Blood Dragon Emperor replied. 

"That explains it," Zhu Chang muttered, smiling. 

"So, where is the stone?" He asked the old man. 

"Obuta, tell them where the stone is. Give it to them," The old man told Obuta, who was looking down.