Chapter 1330: Two Talkative Snakes

Lord Glen recognized the Snake Monarch. That gave him an expectation that Long Chen was nearby as well. That was what shocked him. If Long Chen was nearby, why wasn't he coming out?

"Now that we have the silence! Tell me straight! Did you just call me embarrassing and weak?" The Blood Dragon Emperor asked the Snake Monarch?

"Calling you weak? Why would this Monarch call you weak?" The Snake Monarch asked. "In fact, I consider you as a little brother."

"Did you forget, my father and your mother were great friends? My father used to visit your mother every weekend! Our family friendship goes very far! But you probably don't remember that since you weren't born by then," he added, trying to keep the Blood Dragon Emperor engaged. 

He thought that maybe Long Chen was still concerned about the Blood Dragon Emperor and that's why he wasn't appearing.