Chapter 1336: Breakthrough Wine

They had actually created an economy using the credits, which was intriguing. It was like the prison had become a small city. It had sects, gangs, businesses, and everything else.

"That's right. And the ladies pay some of that credit to others in exchange for the materials they use in making wine. The rest is their savings. Not a bad business."

"Are there other businesses too?" Long Chen asked. 

"That's right. There are quite a few. In fact, you can also start one if you want. But you'll need to come up with an idea, secure supply, arrange for the land which you'll have to pay rent for and so on. It's a hard process," Zia Uzhi answered. 

"In fact, most prisoners can't start a business here. The businesses that still work are the ones that were established a long time ago when there were less people," he added. "Since then, it's been going on like this."

"So these ladies pay rent for this land?" Long Chen asked.