Chapter 1339: Offending Zhu Chang

"Heavenly City? Really? Are you sure someone isn't fooling you to get free food here? Why would someone from the Heavenly City come here!" Ji Miali asked her daughter. 

"I am sure they are from the Heavenly City. They claimed that they happened to be flying to another city but stopped by here to eat something," Ji Lin answered. 

"Moreover, I also sensed the aura of that man when he was scolding his beast! I am a thousand percent sure that he is stronger than our Town Elder and everyone else in the city!" she added. 

"I don't know why, but I still feel suspicious. Someone from Heavenly City in our small town? The next city isn't too far. They could have stopped there if they wanted. As far as the strength is concerned, many people in the cities would be stronger than our Town Elder," Ji Miali stated. 

"So that doesn't prove that they're from the Heavenly City? They could just be from any random City?" She added.