Chapter 1351: Freed

"He didn't die here. After five hundred years, he was set free since that was his sentence. It was in the outside world where he had died in the later years of his life," he added. 

"Ah, so the Emperor freed him. The Emperor does sound like a bad person, though. Punishing him for such a small thing?" Long Chen muttered, shaking his head. 

"I guess you can say that. Probably that's why Lord Genso refused to work for him again and instead went into isolation after leaving this place," Gu Chen answered. "Anyway, enough of the history lesson. If you want to know more about him, you can take books from the library about him. For now, don't waste the training time."

"We have this place for a limited time, after all."

Long Chen nodded his eyes, prepared to learn. 

"Close your eyes. I'll send you the scriptures. After that, I'll try to teach you the meaning so you can comprehend them better."

Long Chen closed his eyes.