Chapter 1365: Challenge

" Here I am, thinking about making you able to take my place, and there you are, still going around creating trouble for others. You're not going anywhere anymore. You're coming back with me. Enough  playing around!" Zhu Gong declared. 

Zhu Chang could only lower his head, glaring at the Heavenly Emperor. He knew who was the reason behind this mess. It was clear for him that the Heavenly Emperor had contacted his father, telling him about his whereabouts.

He didn't contact the Heavenly Emperor first because he didn't want his father to find it. And that's exactly what happened.

"Just my freaking luck," Zhu Chang cursed, frowning. He glared at the Heavenly Emperor. "Are you happy now? You got me caught! Now free Long Chen!" 

"Who is this Long Chen, if I may ask?" Zhu Gong asked, amused. Why was his son caring for someone else's freedom? Just what was so special about this guy?"