Chapter 1373: Lawless

The city looked like any ordinary city which had small houses. No house had a second floor. Every building was small. 

There were no large structures or towers, which was somewhat odd. Most of the cities had some tall structures, towers, and other things. However, this city only had some ordinary houses. 

Frowning, he took his first step inside the city. 


As soon as Long Chen stepped inside the city, he heard someone's scream. It sounded like a woman was screaming out loud. 

He flew in the direction. It was coming from an alley. 

He was slightly surprised as he reached there. Many people were walking on the streets, but none of them stopped even after hearing the screams. 

Did no one care? He landed inside the alley. 

At the end of the alley, there was a bald man holding the hand of a lady. 

Pieces of the lady's clothes were lying everywhere. Her clothes were torn, leaving her without any clothes. The man was pulling the woman closer to her while she was resisting.