Chapter 1416: Try again

" I think Ancestor Qi killed that person as well," Zhu Chang said. "Maybe he was just upset that he lost his hand, and that's why he was saying that he lost. For us, the slightest of backseat can be like a defeat. Don't think much about it."

'I doubt that's the case. If it's literally the work of Tian Shen, then he's simply sleeping, waiting for his return. This is troublesome. Someone who could defeat the Ancestor of the Black Tortoise Clan with such ease?'

Since most of the people were immersed in the meditation, none noticed Zhu Chang except one. 

"Zhu Chang! It's you!"

"Sorry, am I supposed to remember you?" Zhu Chang asked, confused. 

"You literally killed my younger brother here the last time you were here!" The man said, yelling.

His yells attracted the attention of everyone to him, making others stop meditation as well. 

Everyone looked at Zhu Chang in the distance.