Chapter 1424

Long Chen finished a direction and started flying. Xun remained behind him, with Zhu Chang taking the back to protect Xun and keep himself hidden to some extent. 

As they flew through the green fields, Long Chen noticed someone in the distance. It was the first time he had seen someone here, and that person did have different features than Zhu Chang and the Black Tortoise. 

It assured Long Chen that this place was truly not the one where he had entered the tomb. 

He stopped flying. "I see someone. It's a girl, looks to be the same age as us. White hair and light blue eyes. She is dressed in a white gown. Any insights?"

"Let me see. These characteristics do remind me of someone though." Zhu Chang flew closer to Long Chen and looked at the girl in the distance.

"It's her. This doesn't make sense either though. How is this possible?"

"You recognize her?" Long Chen asked.