Chapter 1426

"Who are you to call me crazy?!" Yui Ling responded. "You stole my key, and I'm crazy for asking him back?!"

"Key? You guys found one of the keys? Not bad at all. I also located one. Now we just need one more key," Bai Gu said, smiling. 

"We didn't find it; I did! They snatched the key from my hand!" Yui Ling informed Bai Gu. 

"Why would he? I mean, it's not like holding a key gives any benefit? They're just keys we need to enter. In the end, all the three keys would have to be used. No one can enter without keys," Bai Gu responded. He looked at Zhu Chang. "Did you steal the key?"

"Do you think I would need to steal the key? I can take her out anytime I want," Zhu Chang said lazily. "She's lying. I didn't take anything from her hand."

He wasn't lying either since he technically hadn't stolen anything. It was done by Long Chen.