Chapter 1429

"That man is very sneaky! He is very good at stealing. He snatched the key from my hand! I think Zhu Chang brought him here for that exact reason, so he could steal things that we find!" Yui Ling continued pouring patrol over the fire, taking advantage of the situation to get her revenge. 

"Silence," Long Hu told Yui Ling.

He didn't consider her worthy to be here. Even in the battles, Yui Ling was weakening. For Long Hu, only the top four clans were worth approaching him or talking to him. 

Fortunately, Zhu Chang was from one of these four clans. 

"You lost the key. That shows your weakness, not this Demon's strength," Long Hu said before turning to Zhu Chang. "You speak. Why did you bring the Demon to our holy place."

"He isn't a Demon. He is actually a human who cultivated a skill that makes his eyes look like that. And she is his wife," Zhu Chang replied.