Chapter 1440

"So, who else came here other than you and Baihu Yang? Is Long Hu still not here?" Zhu Chang asked. 

"He left much before the other guy," Long Chen replied. "Other than those two, I don't think anyone else came here yet."

As Long Chen finished speaking, another person stepped into the room. 

"Bai Gu, it looks like you're the fifth to get here. That would mean Yui Ling will be the last."

"It doesn't matter who came when," Bai Gu said. "What matters is if you found something important here? Any clues?"

Zhu Chang looked at Long Chen. "Did anyone find anything?"

Long Chen shook his head. "No one found anything. There are only artifacts here, and no one can take them; otherwise, we'll all be sealed."

He pointed towards the stone tablet. 

Bai Gu also read the stone tablet. 

"I have a feeling that we must stay here to tell Yui Ling that," he said, frowning. "She is too impatient. She might pick up something in haste."