Chapter 1456

The woman's eyebrows raised a bit as she heard the words of Long Chen. 

She didn't respond, but Long Chen already had his answers from her reaction. 

"As expected," He muttered. 

He focused on Xue Min. "You see? Even she can't defeat me. She is sacrificing you to get me tired. In the end, you'll die for no reason at all. Step aside and don't waste my time."

Xue Min didn't step back. She took a deep breath. "You don't scare me. I have faith that I can face you!"

"Why do you want to die for that lady? Is that really your desire?" Long Chen asked, sighing.


"Everyone underestimated me all my life! She was the perfect candidate since our childhood. No matter what it was, she was always selected to lead everyone just because she had the bloodline of the Queen."