Chapter 1466: Bloodwater

The sudden voice that came out of nowhere fell in everyone's ears.

The three youngsters looked up, stunned at the sudden voice that came.

Looking up, their gazes fell on the dark ceiling. Even after watching the ceiling, they remained confused as there was none there.

"Did you all hear someone speaking as well?" The young man in the middle asked, frowning.

"I did as well. It was as if someone was above us," Another man replied. "What about you, Zhu Lei?"

"Zhu Lei?! Where did he go?"

Amongst the three youngsters, only two were left now. The third one seemed to have disappeared out of nowhere.

"Zhu Lei! Where are you?! Answer me!"

The two men called out for the young man again; however, they couldn't find him. They received no response either. It was as if Zhu Lei was swallowed by the darkness.

"He... I feel like there's something wrong. We shouldn't stay here. We should get going and stay alert."

"We can't leave Zhu Lei behind. He was just here; we need to find him!"