Chapter 1498: Deadly Choices

Long Chen swallowed the pill as he watched the people from the other side flying towards him. 

The Demon Princess wondered what he swallowed and why. She kept her eyes on Long Chen. She could see that Long Chen seemed to be in pain as he closed his eyes.

"Are you alright?"

"I am fine. Just temporary discomfort." Long Chen opened his eyes after calming down. As he opened his eyes, he revealed his pitch-black eyes, similar to a demon. His eyes seemed identical to what the Princess and the other Demons had. 

"What is the meaning of this? Are you trying to mock us?"

"Not at all, my princess. It's just how my other self looks. He also had pitch-black eyes. If I don't want to be caught, I need to look the part at least, don't I?" Long Chen inquired, smiling. "Just let me take the lead and talk to them."