Chapter 1520

Demonic Princess brought her Sword down to kill the clone of Long Chen, who had no way of escape at the moment.

He could only close his eyes.


The sword was just about to kill Long Chen when a weapon came out of nowhere and blocked the sword.

The Demon Princess gazed at the spear which had blocked her attack. "Why are you stopping me from killing this liar! He used me and the Demon Empire by lying to us! He almost caused a war that killed millions of our people!"

"I know what he did, and he certainly deserves punishment, but I can't allow you to kill him. Now that the other lady is dead, only this guy knows where they are keeping the real Long Chen. We can't kill him yet," Zhu Chang chimed in.

The Demon Princess stepped back. Even though she was angry, she knew that was right. Moreover, she was on their turf; even to have her revenge, she needed their permission.