Chapter 1531

Long Chen's body was infiltrated by the spirit sealed in the dark statue belonging to the first Demon King in history, which should've been impossible. From what Long Tian had told him, his body was protected against all the Spirits because of his bloodline, so he shouldn't have been affected by a Dark Spirit. 

However, for some reason, the Dark Spirit directly went inside Long Chen's body. Not only that, but he even placed Long Chen's real soul in sleep, for now, taking complete control of his body.

Not only did Long Chen's body become stronger because of the Dark Spirit, but all the excess spirit aura made him even more dangerous. 

The White Tiger King frowned. "I don't know who you are, but if you think you can kill me, then I welcome you."

The White Tiger King clapped his fists, eager for battle. There was not a single worry on his face. He didn't worry about a Dark Spirit who was occupying the body of a youngster, no matter how strong it was before its death.