Chapter 1539: Lied

The Demon Princess jumped down where Long Chen came out of, barely missing a lightning bolt that was about to fall on her. 

She landed inside the empty chamber, looking at her surroundings. There were no scriptures she could find here. She continued her search and entered the cave that was connected to the hall. 

On the other end of the cave, there was the Maze of Death. But before that maze, there was an empty space where a man's shriveled-up body was lying lifeless. A young girl was sitting before the body, crying. 

Baihu Yang had also arrived here. He and the Royal Guards couldn't believe that the frail and lifeless body belonged to the White Tiger King. Unfortunately, they couldn't deny that either. It was evident that it was his body. 

Baihu Yang placed his hand on his sobbing sister's shoulders.

Ling looked up. Finding a family face, she stood up and embraced her brother. Her sobbing only intensified. 'It's all my fault! All my fault!"