The Hunter

"Wow!" Eun Ha spoke without thinking, reflecting the first impulse to be amazed on meeting such a cool person. But then the weight of Mr. Shin's statement sunk down with all its implications.

"Hey, wait! Monsters? You mean… There are monsters out there in the shadows?"

He nodded, "Exactly."

"What… kind of monsters? Like… would I have to worry about that?"


The young fairy rubbed her own arm in anxiety.

"But… oh my God, there are so many things to know…! About the monsters that Mr. Hunter hunts, how is that? Are they everywhere? What do they look like? What kind of problems can they cause? How to get rid of them?" she didn't know where to start, but she was suddenly very worried.

"Listen, girl, I'm not here to talk about me or what I do. Also, you would need to know many other things first to understand about monsters and other threats. And why you, right now, fall into the "Potential Threat" category. I certainly shouldn't let you go… But… " he breathed a tired sigh. "I just can't take care of the problem that is you right now. So just pray we won't meet in a similar situation again, because I won't be lenient twice."

"Ah! I am grateful. And I'm sorry for causing trouble… Although I didn't quite understand what I did…" she mumbled the last part to herself. "Keep doing the good work! Fighting!"

He nodded, and started to turn to leave her, so Eun Ha quickly added,


He stopped with a bored look, waiting, "It's not over yet?"

"Erm… I have more a question."

"Ask it. Now."

"What should I need to know to understand what I need to understand so as not to have problems or to be in danger?"

" What?!" he didn't even seem to understand what she meant.

"I mean… Mr. Hunter said I would need to know things to even begin to understand. And… I guess I can't go around by myself without knowing, as there are monsters and other threats everywhere… Or somewhere... And if other hunters might think I'm a complete threat, not just a potential threat. I mean… I'm grateful I'm just a potential threat and not a complete threat; but at the same time, it's a little frustrating to be half of something_ and please don't look at me like that, this gaze of you scares the shit out of me; I'm trying to say that it's nice to know that I could be a real threat, not that I want to be a real threat. In fact I've always been a pretty ordinary citizen and always obeyed the laws, so…"

He started shaking his head in denial, "Just stop rattling around. I suppose you meant the essentials to know, so as not to get in trouble or be in danger out of ignorance. Is that it?"

"It is," "Eun Ha shuffled her feet with her head down, embarrassed.

"Well..." he sighed, clearly organizing his thoughts.

"Ah, and…" Eun Ha was about to interrupt him, but he raised his hand to silence her from the start. "Shss!"

The fairy got silent, watching him anxiously until the hunter spoke, counting on his fingers as he numbered the topics:

"1. What is a magic wand and how to use it."

"2. What hinders and what enhances magic."

"3. About fairy society."

"4. The Streams or Schools of Magic."

"5. The Elemental Dominion.."

"6. The Quintessence."

"7. Anchored Magic and Floating Magic ."

"8. Why humans are important to fairies."

"9. How to make better use of magic."

"10. Perils of Magic."

"Wow! Sounds like a lot," she exclaimed, impressed, but the hunter just sneered.

"Listen Jung, this is just the basics for you to avoid messing things up around and causing harm to yourself or others. It is not like going to college. And before you ask me, no, there's no such a thing like a boarding school in a foreign country where you can learn about fairy affairs."

"So… How am I going to learn this?"

He shrugged and did not respond.

"Ajuhssi! How can you know about my problem and have no empathy?!" she resented, bursting out.

"I don't have time to empathize. This is the problem. Excuse me. Thanks for the coffee."

"No, wait! Can Mr. Hunter…"

"Me, what?"

"Couldn't Mr. Hunter teach me? In your free time?" she ventured hopefully. Seeing that he was staring at her slightly gaping at her impudence, when he had repeatedly said he had no time to waste, Eun Ha thought that an Aegyo strategy could help soften his cold heart. She made a cute begging expression to match her request.

His reaction was to huff:

"For God's sake, Jung, what kind of childish nonsense is that? Should that break me or something? Never try this kind of bullshit on me again."

"But then… Professor? When can we start?" Eun Ha was trying her best to copy the best and most blatant female tactics she knew off… Apparently, though, the Hunter was immune to them.

"Just stop. It's too much."



"So..." She started, but was interrupted by the impatient hunter.

"Doing it is a great favor. You'll owe me a lot. How much are you paying for it?" he got to the point.

"Ah…" she couldn't hide her disappointment when she realized it wouldn't be for free.

"You didn't think doing these sneezing bunny impersonations would pay for my precious time and knowledge, did you?" He snapped.

"..." Her voice didn't even come out, surprised at the derogatory comment about her attempt to look fragile and innocent.

"Since you don't even know what you could do to repay me, let me put a price on my knowledge, so…" He seemed to turn to his own thoughts for a moment until he said, "I'll give you these basic teaching. And you will pay for them with magical work."

"What do you mean, Mr. Hunt. Prof… Coach… Wait! How should I address you, Mr. Shin? As a Coach or Professor?"

"As long as it's not the annoying 'oppa', it's up to you."

"Got it, Professor!"



"You're calling me Professor and you won't even let me tell how you're going to repay my time and knowledge."

"Professor Shin, I understand that I will do a magical job in exchange for each lesson. Is that right?"

He seemed to consider her words, "Yes. It is. So to get it clear, you're gonna pay just as I need, all right?"

Eun Ha thought for a moment and thought it was fair that way.

"Okay. Deal," she reached out to seal the deal, American way.

The Hunter looked at the small hand outstretched toward him and the young fairy's sincere smile for a moment and hesitated. But finally, he shook Eun Ha's hand.
