Of Cakes and Girls


The girl dressed in a patterned leggings and a yellow hooded sweatshirt gaped in awe by the display windows filled with treats. The interior of Jolly Bakery was cheerful and inviting. Ye Rim took two steps back, and Eun Ha saw the adult man behind her. A young man in simple clothes and a handsome appearance, who looked quite out of place at the confectionery door; actually, he seemed indecisive about coming in. And even to a child like Eun Ha, it was too obvious.

Eun Ha had seen that girl before, in the park. The adults and children alike used to call her "the madwoman's daughter". Eun Ha didn't know who the madwoman was, but the girl always got mad when she was called this way. Not infrequently the "madwoman's daughter" either fought with the other children, or cried and walked away from the group.