Prince and Princess of Tap Dance 2

The memories had come in a vivid and violent stream, and Jun Hyeon simply detached himself from the present and immersed on what he was talking about as he saw the images in his mind. Just as he stopped to take a breath, he remembered that he was not just living it, but recounting some of his memories to a listener. More consciously, he continued,

"When we get to new school," Jun Hyeon said, amused as he was still able to recollect it as if was a memory scrapbook of some sort, as he narrated to Ye Rim, "me and my sister really didn't expect our previous fame to act against us. Moving to a wealthy neighborhood, travelling abroad and making some family-dreams come true, was the good part of becoming riches overnight."

He gave a little mocking laugh, continuing,

"Being new-rich in a elite high school, and everyone knows that, was part of the nightmare."