Round 2

Ye Rim blushed and felt dizzy with Ji Ah's quick play. 'The bitch doesn't mean to have her exit without throwing shade on me…'

"Oh, well… it didn't work out." She just said.

"Oh… Too bad!"

"Ye Rim was focusing on her career…, different schedules, it's understandable… When you have a schedule, I mean." Eun Ha interrupted abruptly, leaning over the table to pick up Ye Rim's bag and dragging it across the table slowly as if it were heavier than it really was. The other two women followed her move as if mesmerized and confused, until Eun Ha justified:

"Excuse me, will you lend me a mirror for a moment, Ye Rim?" The singer just nodded, sensing that it would escalate, and that the 'namaste' moment was already behind her.

It made Ji Ah snap out from her trancelike state and pay real attention to the accessory: