Queen of the Ring

Across the ring, Eun Ha was still gaping at the Hunter's revelation when she suddenly spotted Ye Rim in a higher place. First the confusion about what her donsaeng might be doing there, then the realization that she would have much to explain if she were seen. Ye Rim was looking for her.

"Omo, omo, what to do?! What to do? "Eun Ha turned to the Hunter, pulling his teacher by the lapel of his coat, and literally trying to get inside.

"Wait, girl, what… what?! What are you doing Jung?!" Shin tried to remove the little hands of the young fairy off his body, but Eun Ha was quick and was fully wrapped inside the coat, sticking to his body. 'Awn, as I imagined, his body is rock hard!' Eun Ha can't help but happily think, even in this situation.

"Jung," the Hunter threatened, "I don't know what you want, but get out of there."