Flashy Hats and Blasting Rays

It was shocking terrorizing news for Eun Ha. 'So it's really true… He made it clear that there was something very important going on that needed all his attention; but I didn't stop to ask the details…' she thought.

"A fairy-eating monster…?" her voice came out a bit high pitched, reflecting her anxiety.


"And why did we come here to do, Professor?"

Shin turned to his student, and said, "The place is magically locked. At first I might think this shop's owner, Chil Won, had fled the city… but that didn't make much sense."

Upon learning that, Eun Ha looked at the Hunter again, out of the corner of her eye. And a suspecting feeling began to form in her mind. She asked,

"It's locked magically... But... Why can't Professor come in?"

But the Hunter was not as inexperienced as her, and looked up at the fairy woman with an intriguing expression, and didn't respond directly: