The First Love, not the Last

Of all the things Ye Rim could have done, that was the most unexpected. She simply acted like a good friend, caring and cool, who even offered to take Jun Hyeon's things to the clinic. But, for all intents and purposes of this experiment, she was a friend, not his employee. And that's not why he asked her to pick him in his car, in first place. He could just take a taxi home.

Now the doctor was there, abandoned by her, which disappeared into the crowd as soon as Na Ra started to become annoyingly insistent about giving him a ride. For a brief moment, almost a split second, Kim Jun Hyeon thought he saw in the eyes of that crazy singer a bit of jealousy. But soon she praised Na Ra for her shoes and was gone, in a very strange way.

And Na Ra stared at him expectantly, while he tried to see Ye Rim in the crowd, to no avail.

Dr. Kim really didn't expect to see Na Ra of all people there.

Na Ra, his first love.

Na Ra, the girl whose heart he broke.