Operation Gamer 3

"If you speak out loud or someone complains about you, you will be expelled. Only one person per machine is allowed. No outside drink or food is allowed." Those were the rules she heard when asking the doorman to enter the world of colored and psychedelic lights dominated by the Oneirics.

 Entering, Eun Ha found out she had to pass other two thugs: huge, mean-looking men who seemed to hate the job they were doing. Without the blue monocle, what the fairy saw was a dark place that didn't smell good: there was a nasty mixture of smells of food, sweat and dirt and even human waste, subdued with cleaning products.

The place was chilly, and most of the light came from the screens in the stalls. Near the entrance, there was a sort of mini convenience store, with refrigerators and shelves. The person responsible for renting the machines, or Room Manager, was behind the counter.