Operation Gamer 5

The mobster took a pleasant drag on her cigarette, looking with curiosity at the young Hunter, whose real identity she would not even guess. Eun Ha had the impression that her Professor, with that rejuvenated face, had swallowed hard, but that was not possible. Hunter Shin was tough, not that type.

"Right ... Noona. Release the girl now. She didn't do anything that she said. She's just bluffing. We continue the conversation, you and me," despite the youthful face, Hunter Shin's attitude remained the same intimidating and scaring one. 

Eun Ha shook her head, cringing. Her Professor was very good at other things, but definitely not at playing a young innocent boy. 'If it were a different situation, I would hit this rude Student, he is unashamed just like Chang Mi!!!' she thought.

The woman then glanced at Eun Ha, pretending to be thoughtful. It looked like she wanted to play with both,