The Supreme Chessplayer

VOICEOVER: "Watch now scenes from the moment of the rescue in the karaoke box, provided by an amateur filmmaker," said the professional narration on television.

Ji Hyeon could barely see her twin, as the footage made with a cell phone camera was shaky and there were some people in front. She barely saw Jun at a glance, helping to get a girl in school uniform on the stretcher. "Aish, why don't you get out of the way?!" The person whose head almost completely hid her brother in the fuzzy and blurry scenes irritated Ji. "And about him? Did he get hurt?!" it was what she really wanted to know.

"According to the medical report, the two victims are doing well. Witnesses later identified the doctor who helped the rescue as plastic surgeon Kim Jun Hyeon. He gave a brief statement over the phone to our reporter Sarah Lee."