Girlfriend for One Night

Running aimlessly, Ji Hyeon wiped the tears from her face, thinking of the poor boy being attacked by Dae Won back there. But panic drove her. Blurry lights danced in front of her when she saw the cars drive by at full speed. One more look back, and she saw her stalker coming down the street quickly, towards her.

She couldn't wait for the cars to stop, and impatient drivers honked when she ran across the two lanes of the avenue. One more block and she would be in the park. Police officers usually patrol parks, she knew. She would be able to save herself if she got there, therefore. She would find a patrol and ask help for the delivery boy, and when they arrived at the police station, she'd tell them everything. That's all Ji Hyeon thought when she crossed another block running.

At one point she looked back, but didn't see Dae Won.

Did he give up chasing her?

Had the cameras scare him away, maybe?