A Long Night 2

Ye Rim felt her blood run cold when she saw the humanoid shape made of shadow. There was no face, but somehow, the creature vaguely resembled Jun Hyeon's sister.

She noticed something interesting too. The creature seemed to be afraid of her.

The singer didn't think much, and climbed on the bed to confront the black thing. As soon as she did that, and moved closer to the shadow, the person-shaped thing stretched as if it was made of a slimy mass, and taking on an elastic shape, 'ran' to a corner of the wall.

"Come back here, evil thing! You are not Jun Hyeon's sister! And if you are, it's better go to hell!" It wasn't even scary like the 'Big Mouth Monster' dream. This was the only nightmare that made Ye Rim hold the rosary her aunt gave her. Just as she did with the werewolf, she raised her hand toward the shadowy creature, and went to its side again, with cautious steps,