Feed the Paparazzi

Ye Rim didn't want to get up, but an aggressive conversation not far away was annoying her. 'But what the hell is going on!' her sleepy mind wondered, but then the violent knock of a door and Eun Ha's loud and frustrated  'AISHHH!' totally woke her up.

When she dragged her tired body into the living room, she found her unnie by the window, peering out from behind the curtain,

"What was that, Unnie? I thought I heard an argument."

"And you did it, Ye Rim. Two neighbors came here to complain!"

"How come?!" she had no idea what Eun Ha was talking about, so her friend pulled her close to the window.  Three vans from different media were parked where they had been for the past two days.

"Aigoo. Haven't they given up yet?"