The Man in the Rainbow Raindrops

The first day back to routine after the departure of her father and Madame Jung seemed a little bitter, after the strong emotions of the past few weeks. The conversation the night before left Ye Rim thoughtful about opening the last envelope her mother sent her, and wondering if Nam Joo was okay or needed something.

Ye Rim had spent the whole afternoon taking acting classes. And an unexpected meeting called by his agent, in the late afternoon, brought unexpected and welcome news. The music department was picking some artists for the launch of a solo project. Because of the recent exposure and the good image associated with Ye Rim lately, they're considering her name for the project.

This time, however, Ye Rim received the news with less anxiety. Possibly because, as she told her father the night before, she was more mature to separate success from her talent. But also, because her personal life today was more important than her career, for the first time.