Days Without You

After two days lying on her bed and regretting her existence, Eun Ha had to answer the phone and continue to live 'the mundane life', as the Hunter said. The first meeting with the Park & ​​Zhang group was scheduled for this week and this wasn't even the only business contact she received. As if a heavy spell had come from her back, it seemed that, while her personal life had become chaotic, her career was taking shape.

In addition, she could now go to Hunter Shin's house, and access his library. And that is what she did, because Mr. Ahn showed up in front of the building and intercommed saying that he was there to pick her up to study. 

When Eun Ha got in the car, she asked Mr. Ahn,

"Is this going to happen every afternoon?"

"At the same time, yes. I'll bring you back, too. Except on the days when you say I shouldn't, in advance, Miss. Jung," said Hunter Shin's butler.