Meeting Mrs. Nam Joo

It was three days before Ye Rim and Eun Ha's birthday, but they hadn't yet spoken again. Eun Ha tried to call every day and had even gone to the Optimus Entertainment to wait for Ye Rim, but the singer was adamant.

The mere idea of spending their birthdays alone distressed the fairy. They had sworn it would never happen.

But Eun Ha still needed further confirmation, and after some searching, she got the address of Ye Rim's mother. As was known in her hometown, Mrs. Park Nam Joo had left Ye Rim's father, and eloped with the psychiatrist in the neighboring city. However, according to the small town's gossip network, a few years later she left him. And a few years ago she had remarried to a pastor in a Pentecostal service.

Mrs. Park agreed to receive her, however, when she found out who she was.