Don't Make Plans for Tonight

On the morning of her birthday, Eun Ha was awakened, as usual, by a call from her mother, Madame Jung. After a loving conversation, she got up and walked through the empty house. 

Most of Ye Rim's things were still there, but after 8 days, the house was already starting to change. Now that she was studying magic and understanding her skills and perception, Eun Ha realized that the magic of the place was waning, as she absorbed it from the environment and Ye Rim wasn't there to produce more. 

This was just a side effect of her best friend's absence, of course.

During the day she received phone calls and gifts, just as Ye Rim's gifts accumulated in the room. The Yoo brothers and others showed up, but no Ye Rim and not even Hunter Shin. But in the early afternoon, Eun Ha hung up the phone and threw himself on the bed, feeling terrible. It was the worst birthday of his life.
