27 YEARS AGO - Little Star

Jeong Geun had arrived for at least half an hour near the intersection sign as Mrs. Shin had explained to do. But the sunset was dying the horizon with orange and pink hues, and there was no sign of his Nam Joo coming.

"That little fox!?" he grunted to himself, yet fond of his wife and the way she was. He looked at the house from a distance, wondering whether or not to go there. 'Talkative as you are, when I get there you will introduce me and tell them our whole life, from kindergarten to our today's breakfast, and the owners of the house will not be able to do anything but invite us to dinner. If I go there, we'll definitely just come home late at night, I know her well, that loud mouth …!'

Jeong Geun was a pragmatic man in the middle of his 20s. All he wanted was to go home after a heavy day's work, but Nam Joo's little adventure had changed his plans. Not that it was the first time she'd done something like that.