Home Alone?

"Aishh, so sulky! I hope you recover soon, Shin!" Eun Ha spoke to herself as she arranged a tray of tea and snacks in the mansion's kitchen. 

The news was stressful, and her boyfriend's foul mood after the second unsuccessful confrontation with the Devourer made it worse. 

But after hearing Ye Rim's confessions about how the romance with Dr. Kim evolved, Eun Ha felt a twinge of envy. So far, with Chang Mi actively boycotting the couple's intimate relationship as if he were a jealous, spoiled little boy, they had been nothing but sweet moments and little more than kisses.

Eun Ha really wanted to go further, because she loved him and longed for him, as she never felt for anyone before. But it was so difficult! At that moment, as Chang Mi said, she had many things to worry about, but she wanted to spend more time with Shin.

She had to think of something. To start, I should take advantage of a moment when Chang Mi was not there.