Chapter 2 The Another Is Born

Months had passed by, Concubine Si was coming upon her due date soon. She had spent the pass months visiting the Empress and the young Princess Kai Shi. Everyday she would have Xiao Pi send herbal soup for the Empress. The Emperor also went to Lotus Palace often to visit his Princess.

One Bight and sunny day, the birds were chirping away. Concubine Si was in her graden courtyard inside Jade palace. She felt a pain in her stomach. she almost fell over if it wasn't for Zhu Zhu being there to catch her.

"Quick call for the Imperial physician." Zhu Zhu yelled as she help Concubine Si in to her bed chambers. A couple minutes later the Imperial physician had arrived. He took her pulse.

" Quick call for Gu Liang Mi, her Majesty is going to give Birth." The Imperial Physician directed. Concubine Si smiled happily, praying she Birthed a Dargon. Soon her bed chambers were filled with female servants and multiple nurse maids with Gu Laing Mi leading.

" Quick Zhu Zhu call for the Emperor." Concubine Si whispered to her in the chaos. Zhu Zhu ran to his Majesty's Study. A guard there told her that his Majesty had gone to Lotus Palace. Zhu Zhu rush to Lotus Palace. Upon her arrival she was huffing and puffing and her head full of sweat. Emperor Fu Pei was on the ground playing with 9 month old Bao You.

Zhu Zhu burst in and kneel to the ground.

" This Servant, greets The Emperor and The Empress. Please forgive this Servant's intrusion. Her Highness the Imperial Concubine Si is in labor." Zhu Zhu announced still kneeling on the ground. A smile can across the Emperor and Empress's face.

" Congratulations your Majesty. Your Majesty, you must go to." Empress Yue Hua said while reach for the baby Princess with her arms. The Emperor kiss Princess Kai Shi on the cheek and handed her to her mother.

" Shi'er you're going to be a good Jie Jie." Fu Pei said to Kai Shi before rushinh back with Zhu Zhu to Jade Palace. Empress Yue Hua prayed for safe delivery.

At Jade Palace, you can the screams of Concubine Si from outside. The Emperor has arrived, announced Eunch Li. Inside the bed chambers Gu Laing Mi urging Concubine Si to push and push. Concubine Si grunted in pain as she push.

" I can see the baby's head. Push more your Highness." Gu Laing Mi said as she ready herself to receive the baby. Concubine she pushed and pushed, finally you heard the crys of a newborn baby. Xiao Pi opened the bed chambers after the servants had tidy the room. The Emperor went to Concubine Si bedside.

" You've work hard Ling'er." He bent over and kiss her forehead.

" Congratulations your Majesty, Congratulations Imperial Concubine Si. You've birth a Dragon." Gu Laing Mi announced proudly. A grand smile came across all their Faces. Finally an Heir had been born to the Wu Empire. They Held Celebrations for 3 weeks straight. The Emperor named his son, Fu Yong and titled him, Crown Prince. Everyday he went to Jade Palace to see his son and Concubine Si. She rejoiced and celebrated. I am now sure I will be the Empress and my son will be king one day. She smiled every day as The Emperor came by. The Empress had visited Concubine Si and celebrated the joy with her bring herbal medicine and soups. But Concubine Si never touch or drank any of it she didn't trust the Empress. With her I'll intent, Concubine Si became paranoid. But the Empress with the purest heart only had love and joy to give.

Back at Lotus Palace, The Empress grew sad that Fu Pei had not visited for a long time. He had missed Princess shi'ers first steps. She longed for him to visit her and her daughter. But she understood that as long as Fu Pei was happy so should she be.

Months had pass by, but the Emperor had not been to Lotus Palace. On shi'ers First Birthday, The Empress visited the Emperor and ask him to come and celebrate.

Later that evening after visiting his son at Jade Palace he proceeded to Lotus Palace. There the Empress had everything ready to celebrate Princess shi'ers birthday. She had dress the Princess in a pink dress gown. The Empress dresses in her white dress robe embroidered with gold silk thread in the patterned of the Phoenix.

"The Emperor has Arrived." Eunch Li announced. As the Emperor walked in, he noticed how beautiful the Empress looked. They celebrated Princess Kai Shi's birthday and ate sweet and drank wine. Kai Shi wasn't excited to see the Emperor in fact she was afraid of him, she hadn't seen him in months.

Later that evening Gu MoMo had taken the Princess to bed. The Emperor and Empress talked inside her bed chambers.

" Hua'er, I'm sorry I have neglected you." Fu Pei said as he swept away the hair from her face.

" It alright, I understand. You are the Emperor, what kind of Empress would I be, if I put myself first before the our people. I am only sorry that I cannot help share your burdens." she laid her head on his shoulder.

" You are a great and loving wife, a wise mother of this nation. I'm am but a lucky man to have you." Fu Pei kissed her on the forehead.

" Come, let me love you tonight my wife." Fu Pei said. That night he bestowed favor on the Empress.

Meanwhile at Jade Palace, Concubine Si waited for the Emperor to come, he had visited her every night since Fu Yong was born.

" Concubine Si. Your Highness, the Emperor is taking favor with the Empress tonight." Zhu Zhu announced she had just ran back from Lotus palace to find the news for her Highness.

" What?" Concubine Si threw a cup in anger. She was fuming with anger. I birth you a dragon, still you wish to bestow favor on her. Concubine Si hated the Empress even more. Once my son is older I will make so you will never receive favor until the day you die, Concubine Si vowed.

- 1 year pass -

It was now Fu yong's Birthday, the Emperor decided to throw a grand party for the crown prince. All the nobles and mnisters from within the land were invited to celeb this joyous day.

" Emperor, you don't have to celebrate like this, I don't want the Empress to feel sad because we didn't celebrate Princess Kai Shi's birthday this big." Concubine Si said pretending to be worried.

"Don't worry too much, Ling'er, The Empress will never feel that way about you. Besides you have been treating her so well, you make soup for her everyday, helping her nurture her health. You have too kind a heart. I will make sure that this will be the grandest birthday celebration for you son."

"Hearing you say this has made my heart at peace." Concubine Si said, with a fake smile on her face. Thinking to herself, that bitch Yue Hua is too healthy, she is getting tired waiting for her to die, should I increase the doses of poison in her soup.

The day of the celebration had arrived, all the ministers and nobles had all attended the celebration. Emperor Fu Pei sitting on his throne with Empress Yue Hua next to him on his left and on his right sat the Imperial Concubine Si. Princess Kai Shi was seated on the the right next to her nanny, Gu Mo Mo, while Prince Fu Yong sat on the left with his nanny Gu Laing Mi. Many nobles and ministers presented gift the to Emperor and the Crown Prince. After they celebration had ended, everyone had returned to their palaces.

At Jade palace Imperial Concubine Si and the Emperor sat in the bed chamber.

" Thank you, Emperor. For such a grand and beautiful celebration in honor of you son. I could have not been more happy in my entire life. " Concubine Si said as she laid her head on his shoulder.

" No, Thank you for loving me and bearing me a son. I should thank you more." Fu Pei said as he place his hands on hers.

Meanwhile at lotus palace, the Empress was getting ready for bed.

*cough* cough*

" Empress, have some tea." Gu MoMo poured her some hot tea and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Gu MoMo, is Shi'er asleep?"

"Yes, Empress, I have told My daughter Mi Lan to stay with the princess, don't worry. You should just take are of your health." Gu MoMo replied with a concerned look in her eyes.

" It's been almost to years since you have had the princess yet your health has not been better. We should call the royal doctor to come and check on you again." Gu MoMo suggested, taking the empty tea cup from the empress and placing it on the table. Picking up a comb to comb the Empress's long black hair.

" Don't worry, I'll be okay. I've been taking my medicine and drink my herbal soup everyday. You worry to much Gu MoMo." The Empress had been looking paler and paler to Gu MoMo.

"Empress, maybe I should make you a different herbal soup to drink, let's stop drinking the one Concubine Si delivers you everyday. Who knows what her intentions really are." Gu MoMo said as she helped walk the Empress to her bed.

" Gu Momo, you know we canno say such words. Beside, if I envy and eye for the Emperor's favor everyday, I will not be the kind empress that I am supposed to be. Ling'er and I will be good sisters, if I look upon her kindness with hate, what will the Emperor think. I only care that there be peace and unity with in the palace walls. Only kindness can heal hate. So that the Emperor can be at ease." The Empress replied.

" The Empress is indeed the beat mother of all the nations, your servant mind is too small." Gu MoMo said in awe of her kindness. But thinking to herself, only you will see the world that way Empress, the world this servant grew up in is not that kind.