The Paranoia That Nick Fury Proud Of...

2006 June, Manhattan, New York

Two months had pass and Eric has finally settled in, with the help of Athena (Artificial Intellegence) and his sweet sweet hacking skills he was able to create a dummy company to sell a 50 tonne gold ( which he created over the month) with the whooping price of 2060500000 USD, he then bought an apartment building on midtown manhattan and a coffee shop near the stark tower, the rest of the money were then split into multiple dummy accounts to prevent SHIELD from tracking him

About the apartment, it was for the lack of better term; quite fancy and plain ridiculous, he spent three weeks in customizing his apartment, he boosted its security from CCTV's, retina scanner to over the top things such as moving lasers, motion sensors and even a panic room, all of it connected to one superquantum computer manage by Athena and then viola a fucking home sweet home for the super paranoid Eric Law (Yeah about that, living in Hell while being hunted by the army you yourself trained can be pretty scary) Oh I forgot he also has a workout area.

When Nakia gave Eric the AI, it has some unforseen but totally accepted consequences, either by science or magic Athena was implanted on his Brain, which he can then communicate telepathically and in turn Athena can also communicate and upload things for him in his brain. And by proxy Athena can also control the technology around Him making him some sort of technopath and because of this he was able to easily steal some quantum computer blue prints (which by the way he totally improve on) and then created Olympus (the name of the superquantum computer).

On the bussiness side, the coffee shop/ book shop which he named Hestia, the two story building was fully renovated to create a homey atmosphere, outside it looks plain rectangular building with big windows but on the inside, it was specially made to have a Harry potter vibe into it complete with an animated ceilings that looks like the night sky(holographic display) and a chimney with virtual fire, also he added some tv, for others who wanted some entertainment.

Up above, the second floor it followed the same style, but instead of tables and chairs it has couches, bean bags and a large collection of books, all in all a great place to spend some time

He plans to open by mid July and by then he would also be done stocking his apartment with some goodies and when I say goodies I mean guns, lots and lots of guns.