Special Realm

After hearing the report, he came back to his room. Anya asked about what he wanted to do, but Alex simply said, "If he wants to pursue my disciple, do it without his background. If he crosses the line and brings his family, I shall beat the parents first before killing the son. This way, if he tried to say, 'Don't you know who I am? and blah blah.' I can just present his parents' heads and say, 'I only know these guys died in my hand.' Then the situation will be resolved."

Anya was laughing when she heard that. She could somehow imagine what kind of expression that person would have. Besides, he really moved his family, so he was on Alex's wanted list.

Knowing his answer, she then left him alone, so he could consolidate his strength. Sherry was a bit disappointed, but she still let him go. The three years agreement from Alex kept playing inside her head, making her a bit impatient.