
As soon as he returned to the Spirit World, Alex entered the bedroom with Lin Xingzhi. They used the door in the room to go to Lin Xingzhi's personal room, finding that her room was divided into two sides. The first side contained a bed, dress table, and wardrobe while the rest consisted of the plants she cultivated, including his Void Flower.

"You planted all this in your room?"

"Yep. You should have noticed that my room is smaller, no?" Lin Xingzhil tilted her head.

"Yeah. You only go to either the computer or your bed."

"Hahaha! You are right. That's why I separate my room into two while building a moving wall." Lin Xingzhi pointed at the railing in the ceiling and floor where she usually closed it during the unimportant time. "Besides, I can work just fine in a small room since I only have eyes for the system or any other form of work that Korzan gave me."