
Victorious D-Day

It has been about two weeks and Alfie has had lost the body counts in his hands, because he wasn't counting.

After completing their task in taking out the firepower on the right side, the army ships came as hundreds of thousands of soldiers stormed the beach to back France starting with Normandy.

The turrets and cannons aiming at the beaches were blown up from the insides and so it was an easy battle thanks to that.

Alfie was actually making a name for himself, but not exactly in a good way nor a bad way either.

The team he was with were a group of psychos but they felt outdone by Alfie as he was over the top psycho.

Wherever this man goes there is a literal blood path, his footsteps were red.

Limbs, heads, half-bodies, and unrecognized body parts were on the ground.

At this point the group has lost Alfie and he was already over a few bases away from them, every time they show up to an enemy location all they would see is blood.

And not only that, Alfie was getting stronger, faster, and smarter.

He was also getting smarter with his bloody path, learning ways to do this, and in a sick way was learning of the human bodies and how they function.

He was learning how to destroy the body in just one piercing thrust.

It was scary.

It wasn't until June 26th that the war ended and the Allies took back the coast.

And for a week everyone took rest as others did body counts, stats, heal, rest, and reports.

The infiltration team Alfie was in charge of would usually find their officer in charge to report to them, but this time Alfie was in charge and he didn't ask them to report so they didn't.

The ally soldiers who saw Alfie was startled.

Alfie was filled with blood, behind him his now 16 people team were also bloody.

Sure everyone had blood on them here and there, but the things Alfie wore got many attentions.

Some even thought he was an enemy, but seeing him lead a group meant otherwise.

The group went to rest as Alfie went looking for General Dwight D. Eisenhower after asking for directions.

The General in charge of Europes liberation was in one of the middle forts.

As Alfie walked along, he gathered many attention from the young and old soldiers around.

As he entered the fort he went straight to the General in commands location.

As he neared the room one of the guards stepped up standing in the way of him asking who he was.

If he was wearing his uniform with his badges then it wouldn't be a problem.

"I am Second Lieutenant Alfred McBride." Alfie said as he took his mask off.

He was sweaty, and don't look tired at all, but has this fire in his eye.

"Oh sorry sir." Te guard straightforwardly apologized and stepped back.

"You're fine soldier." Alfie walked in to 4 men standing and General Eisenhower sitting on a couch having a drink.

"...ratulage you sir." One of the generals said.

"It's not just me, it's every men in this beach we have to thank for any of our progress." Eisenhower said.

"It was still your plan, but none the less, congratulations." Another general said.

"Old ma- Sir." Alfie called out as he walked in.

When the group turned to Alfie, like the other soldiers reaction it was pretty similar, which Alfie has been ignoring.

The others cursed under their breath seeing that much blood on his person, it wasn't even black and orange, it was dark red and red.

General Eisenhower on the other hand was also a bit shocked but it was more of amazement.

"Alfred? Boy is that you?" Eisenhower got up and walked to the bloody Lieutenant.

"Alive and kicking sir." Alfie said.

"Dear God what happened to you? Are you hurt? You should go get check-"

"I'm fine old man, none of the blood ain't mine." Alfie said with a smile.

But with all the blood and dirt, the smile don't seem right.

"..." Eisenhower paused and didn't know what to say.

He then looked at all the U.S. Commanders.

"Gentlemen, I'm sorry but we will have to continue this first thing tomorrow, please go get some rest." Eisenhower said.

And as the commanders modded and salute before heading out, but not before looking at Alfie's full view, Eisenhower grabbed Alfie's shoulder and beckoned him forward 'till they sat on the table.

"Here have a drink." Eisenhower filled a glass before giving it to Alfie, which would be something he would regret a bit later.

"Thank you." Alfie said as he took the drink and downed it in one go.

"I must say Alfred, I'm happy to hear you made it out alright, our fight on the west side of the coast was easier than expected thank to your group, there was such a big difference with your side and the other." Eisenhower said.

He hasn't seen Alfie in action but he has payed attention to the nonexistent firepower on his side of the infiltration.

Because of Alfie they took the west side of the coast way easier than the east left side.

"Aah it was nothing, it was fun really." Alfie said as he got up and got his stuff off dropping it on the table not worrying about his behavior, Eisenhower didn't seem to mind either.

"Hahahaha." Eisenhower grabbed on the katana that was left on the table and inspected it as Alfie went to the drink table pouring his own.

"What?" Alfie asked.

"Nothing, I just never thought someone would be crazy enough to bring a sword to a gun fight." Eisenhower said as he unsheathed the katana from the sheath.

"Holy hell!!" Eisenhower said.

When he brought the sword out it was chipped and looked like a broken blade, 1/3 of the sword was chipped off.

Blood stains on it and was dried up.

"You sure messed the sword up." Eisenhower said.

"It's fine it wasn't anything special, I'm waiting for a more special weapon soon." Alfie said.

"Are you now? And where did you get this stunning suit, this material is... what is this, I don't believe I have ever seen one?" Eisenhower said as he closed up and felt the armor Alfie had on.

"It was something me and my friend came up with, something all new and never seen, but the cool design is my own." Alfie said.

"Well that friend you have could be much help to the Allies, if he were to distribute these armor materials, it could save a lot of our men." Eisenhower said.

"I know, we already thought of that, but it won't work, we recently discovered these and it would be too slow to make any move to mass produce, you might know my friend, Howard Stark?" Alfie said.

"Oh! The smart kid at New York? I heard the kid and some others are working on something that could change the war for the better." Eisenhower said.

"They did, some Super Soldier program, but something went off and they ended up with just one Super Soldier which is the famous Captain America, Hahahahahah, old man did you know he is my friend too?" Alfie said as he got up and put the glass away and grabbed the big glass of drink itself.

"But enough of that I was hoping you could help me with something." Alfie said as he gulped the burning drink.

"And what might that be?" Eisenhower asked.

"Give me another promotion, and allow me to take my own team ahead and purge these bastards off of France." Alfie said looking at the General.

"Aaah, such balls of steel to ask your commander for a promotion." Eisenhower said teasingly.

"You know it wasn't long ago when you said you haven't shot a man or even stepped into a battlefield, and I have to be honest som, I didn't expect you to get out of the enemy lines in one piece." Eisenhower said.

"It also wasn't long ago that I promoted you and after coming back from the war you seek to move more forward and be promoted and take your own team? Hahahahaha, if you didn't do good these past weeks I would have definitely turned it down, but now I'm thinking about it." Eisenhower said.

"Pour me a drink Al, we'll be here for a bit." Eisenhower said.


An hour later a ruckus started in camp.

Back in Alfie's school days there was one thing known about the kid, he loved to fight.

But nowadays he hides that feeling well, and don't cause much trouble lately, but the only time he ever causes trouble...is when he is drunk.

"Hhahaha come on boys give me a challenge." Alfie slurred as he pushed more than 5 men.

It was a sight to see, even 5 men weren't able to stop this guy from his steps.

A few minutes ago Alfie came out stumbling shouting looking for any fighters, ignoring the fact that the mood around isn't too stable.

These men just fought a hard fight, the hardest fight they knew in this current war.

Friends and family died, people were injured, and some took traumatic vibes.

But this Alfred McBride was not worried about it and is living in his own world.

Finally having enough of his banter one soldier came up to ask him to stop, but he wasn't able, next was another soldier, then so on.

It was hard to believe that Alfie was using one arm flinging around the soldiers and they couldn't even push him back enough.

The soldiers didn't know it but pushing against Alfie and messing with him took their minds off their troubles and they had a bit of calming fun moment.

Alfie was happy because he just got promoted to the rank of Captain moments ago, he was now Captain Alfred McBride.

Actually General Eisenhower gave him the rank of Major and he was happy, but after realizing how much responsibility there is in that rank Alfie asked for a lower one, the rank of Captain.

At that success Alfie took another push and ask if he could form his own crew, General Eisenhower didn't see why not so he let him.

Alfie grabbed some paper and pen and started writing down a few important names he has discovered over the years in military.

General Eisenhower definitely regretted allowing Alfie the request because the team he is recruiting was around the areas in Japan and Italy as well.

But for now Alfie would stick with the main forces and move in from the coast and take back France.