Steve's eyes widened as he muttered.
"Looks like you still remember me even after you became the famous Captain America."
They stood apart just staring at one another.
"Hard to forget when you're the one who beat me into shape back then." Steve said smiling.
"Well I doubt it would be easier to do it nowadays."
They had a small hug before Alfie sized Steve up.
"God, I didn't think you would get this big, I only pictured you with that scrawny look back then."
"You seem to be growing taller yourself Al."
Alfie was standing at 6'3 while Steve was an inch shorter at 6'2.
"I guess the Super Soldier Program worked out eh? Will there be many muscle heads like you running around soon?"
"Hahaha…no, no the Doctor, he was assassinated, and he was the only one with knowledge of the Serum…" Steve said covering his true feelings with a small chuckle and smile.
"Ahh, I see… come let's go get something to eat." Alfie led the way.
"How are you here? I thought you were in France at the German front." Steve thought.
"I'm on vacation, more or less."
Alfie led the way as they reached a parking space finding a soldier whose job is to drive people around.
Knowing who Alfie and Steve is, the young soldier saluted before taking the wheel as the two stepped into the back seats.
But before they could move anymore a sudden grey fluff jumped onto the passenger seat.
The soldier panicked and moving back a bit dropped him out of the seat and on the dirt accidentally.
Steve was startled but he watched the wolf carefully in case something happened.
"Wow, she must like you." Alfie commented at the twos confrontation.
Steve looked back and forth wondering what he was talking about.
"She usually growls at everyone around, but you, she is just staring at you." Alfie said.
It was at that moment that Steve remembered about the newspaper, and that Alfie had a pet wolf.
"Right, I heard you had a wolf by your side, where did you get her?"
"My men shot her, she was lying down hurt as her cub was scratching and biting at me, I saved her and ever since then she's been stuck with me." Alfie said fuffling the head of the wolf.
"She had a baby cub? Where is it?"
"I left him to the General on the German front, at the time he couldn't come with us to where we were going."
"Now why don't we save some when we have a table and eat some stuff." Alfie said.
After making sure the driver was alright they begin driving and head out the base into one of the cities in Italy.
On the way Steve asked about his time serving, mostly asking if the things on the papers was true or not.
And why a sword.
Soon they entered a district of restaurants and stores in Italy, it took a while as they didn't know where to go.
But Alfie took it upon asking the driver for the best restaurant, which they soon stopped and walked in.
Though there was a problem.
They got too much attention, mostly the wolf.
Some seemed to have recognized Alfie and Steve as well, considering Captain America forgot to put on something less… American like.
But Alfie was good at talking and made some things up allowing Luna to be able to have lunch with them.
They got a table on the far corner as other customers were far from them, they still got eyes on them though.
They ordered a lot, Alfie also ordered for the hungry wolf but even without Luna here Alfie would still get two of everything on the menu.
Once the food came they ate, Alfie and Luna ferociously, and Steve ate calmly but also a lot.
During their lunch they had some reminiscing and spoke of the pasts, anout how things changed so much.
At some point Alfie finally answered Steve's question about the sword.
Alfie made it simple saying he just wanted some close combat fights.
He also told Steve about two old friends named Rolo and Jonjon, being in his company and reuniting.
But alas he left them with the main force as they didn't have anything that could help keep them alive like him or James.
They finished up soon and were now just talking.
Alfie was finally answering Steve's questions seriously.
It was mostly about Alfie's recent life since Steve was the one doing the askings.
Though it was only from London to the recent Fort Rennes.
Alfie didn't say much about Fort Nantes as it would be too much to believe or answer steve questions.
But it soon turned and Alfie asked about Steve's life, if there was anything new with him other than the obvious.
He spoke of how Doctor Erskine died, and how he really felt about it, Alfie already knew that much, but like always he played along and supported Steve.
They then moved to more recent topics.
"So Al...why Deathstroke? What does it mean?" Steve asked.
"It's a means for my enemies to look at before they die…" Alfie said, Steve didn't say anything as he stared at Alfie.
"Hahaha, no I'm just messing with you."
"It's not supposed to mean anything, not now at least, but I'm hoping it's something enemies would be wary of, and something to let my true self be." Alfie said, downing his drink.
"So some kind of symbol of fear? And for you to be who you really are...and what is that? Who are you then? When your Deathstroke?" Steve asked leaning into the table.
"Well I'm still me of course, just balancing my wants and needs.
It's really refreshing to be in the battlefield sometimes, oh and that reminds me, I made a new friend."
"He must be something if you're willing to talk about him." Steve said.
"Yeah, the guy is really dependable, there was this recent operation we did, and he was with me back to back through that mission." Alfie said.
Steve seemed a bit excited when Alfie mentioned a mission.
"How recent? Is it the one about Fort Rennes?"
"No, the operation is Fort Nantes, I'll tell you later about it, but this man James, I think you'll like him, but we'll see."
"Anyways enough about that I have an important question for you Steve…"
"Have you been talking to the Agent yet?" Alfie asked smiling mischievously.
"Wha- no, no I've- we've been to busy I guess so we haven't had the time to-"
"My foot, busy what? Dancing? You know she's here right? At the base? You should get a chance to talk to her, get closer."
"I don't know, there is a war going on and I don't think now is th-"
"Well stop thinking, you're such an idiot that you don't even see how she looks at you, you know how hard it was for both me and Bucky to try and get you to lose your virginity?"
"Stop it Al, I don't see how that is important, it's not relevant and there are more concerning matters than-"
"You're right...there are more concerning matters, Steve, go see Peggy." Alfie got up from his seat as Luna came behind him.
"No, I'm serious, this concerns both you and me, and Peggy can tell you all about it." Alfie was serious.
He left a wad of bills on the table before he walked to the doors as Luna followed behind.
But not before telling Steve…
"It's about the 107th Regiment…" And then Alfie along with his wolf walked out.
Steve paused and in realization chased Alfie.
"Wait what?! The 107th?! Alfie! What are you-..."
Steve couldn't finish the sentence as by the time he was outside Alfie was gone along with the wolf.
"Right...forgot he does that." Steve muttered before looking at the army driver still sitting in the jeep waiting for him.
At the airport there was a small plane being readied with three men in there.
Howard Stark was making the necessary preparations while also keeping up with Alfie's requests.
James, like Alfie, was fully geared except for the newly made helmets and was sitting on one of the plane seats and toying with a shotgun.
"Come on Howard it's only for a little while."
Alfie begged Howard.
"I work, you know Alfred? And I don't have time to be looking after a hungry wolf." Howard replied.
"You don't have to do much, just give her food and drinks."
Alfie left Luna with the SSR for Howard to take care of when he gets back.
She was now howling nonstop, angry that Alfie tricked her in a cage and left her there.
"And how long until it sees me as food instead?"
"Well she probably see you as food now, maybe she sees you as a fine tasty meaty stea-"
"Not helping!! And you're not even trying to convince me to take care of him…" Howard said.
"Because I know you will do it, even if I don't say anything."
"I could just say no."
"Thanks Howie, I'll let you get set up."
As alfie walked away he didn't see the mocking face Howard did mimicking what he said.
He came to the back and plopped himself down next to James who was still putting together attachments to his shotgun.
They were waiting for Steve and Peggy to arrive, and they should be soon, Steve should be trying to leave on his own with his show suit as Peggy convinces otherwise.
"Thanks for coming James, I know you were taking one of your lovely bath and smoke session before this, but I appreciate it." Alfie said.
"You make it sound as if it was my choice, bub, you basically dragged me here."
"Don't be like that James, imagine all the Naz-...HYDRA we could massacre and stab to death." Alfie said as he looked up in wonder.
"I think you have our pleasures mixed up, Cap, you're talking about your own pleasures and hobby." James said.
"Oh? Are you telling me you don't like it when you stick those claws up some evil doers?"
"...I do, but I like my peace and alone more than anything, I couldn't care less what is happening in the world."
"Hmm, well that raises some question like why you would enlist in the war...but that's for another time, for now I'm just glad to have you by my side."
"Glad to help."
It was an old friend of Alfie's so James would be happy to help, even though he doesn't admit it he likes Alfie, he had a strange sense of what fun is and James could keep up with it.
"Where is your friend? Should we head out without him?" James asked as he pulled the bottom chamber of the shotgun before aiming it forward.
All seemed well.
"He should be here soon, if things go as planned."
The plane jerked a bit as it powered on, the two could hear whirling outside and Howard started pushing buttons in a rush before sitting down in the pilot seat.
The two suddenly heard footsteps as they looked to the bay doors.
"Ahh, speak of the devil."
Alfie said as he stood up and went to stand at the small ramp.
He saw Peggy and behind her was Steve with his show suit and a duffle bag along with the famous show shield behind his back.
Not the Vibranium one.
Peggy seemed to have known Alfie was here, but Steve didn't as he slowed down in shock before calling alfie.
He did forget Alfie was in Italy, the sudden thought of his long time friend, Bucky, took up all the space in his mind that he also forgot that Alfie told him to meet up later.
"Took you long enough Steven."
"Alfie, so you planned this?" Steve asked looking at Howard, James and then ending up on Peggy.
"Well even if I didn't I'm sure your girlfriend would have." Alfie pointed to Peggy.
Hearing that, Peggy tilted her head in frustration lookin at Alfie.
While Steve was flustering and stuttering denying the claim, he was also looking back and forth at Peggy and Alfie hoping she isn't dissatisfied while a look of vexation.
"Wha…you mean you two are not that far yet?"
As alfie asked Steve looked as if he was begging Alfie to stop, James was on the side chuckling.
"Alright, alright, come Steven, let me introduce you to the friend I told you about." Alfie walked Steve to James who stood up.
"Hi, Steve." He put his hand forth to which James took, both had good grips.
"James, so you're Captain America huh?" James sized him up looking at the suit he used while on show.
"Ahh, I see you've heard of me." Steve scratched the back of his head a bit embarrassed.
"Hard not to when our Captain runs around showing everyone his friend is Captain America." James said enjoying the look of Steve's embarrassment.
"You know Howie, right?" Alfie said pointing at Howard who came to them.
"Steven Grant Rogers, good to see you again." Howard said.
As the two got to know each other intimately Alfie went through a case before coming back.
"Wear this."
Alfie threw something to Steve which he caught easily with his left asking what it was.
"It's one of the suits Howard has been working on, bulletproof, stretchy and light." Alfie said.
"You're the third to be wearing it, and I may have made it but Alfred was the one who came up with the idea, it's called Kevlar." Howard said.
Steve looked at Alfie and was about to ask but Alfie just cut everyone's talk getting back to the real situation, rescue mission.
Steve immediately took his serious expression as he undressed to his underwear to put on the skin tight suit.
As he did so Alfie saw Peggy taking glances at Steve, he took the opportunity to tease.
"Like what you see, Agent?"
Hearing Alfie, Peggy and Steve went into another flustered scene.
Peggy looked everywhere other than Steve as she clears her throat, while Steve grabbed his clothes to hide his hips and upper body.
Alfie and James had another laugh as Howard made the last preparation before they took flight.
James, Alfie, and Steve sat on one side of the plane while Peggy took the other.
Everything went like the movies, Peggy and Steve had their time.
Peggy then started to debrief on everything there was to know about the HYDRA base in Austria, and whatnot.
But during the debrief, Steve and Peggy noticed that the other two seemed a bit too relaxed.
Even without the cigars and glass of alcohol on Alfie's hands, they still look like they were going on vacation.
Both Alfie and James had cigars on their mouth, but Alfie was drinking a glass of alcohol, James also noticed and asked for a glass as well.
But before Alfie can pour a drink for him, they were interrupted.
"Are you drinking right now?" Peggy asked with her mouth half open in disbelief.
"Oh, how rude of me, would you and Steve care for a drink?" Alfie asked as he passed James a glass filled.
"No, no I do not want a drink right now…" Peggy retorted almost furiously.
This was a rescue mission and these two acted as if it wasn't.
Even Steve looked a bit worried wondering if these two were alright to bring along.
"Al...I don't think getting drunk is a good idea before going on a mission."
"I'm not trying to get drunk, I'm just trying to have a little buzz Steven." Alfie said patting Steve's shoulder.
"You do know you are going up against a force more dangerous than what you're used to?" With her accent Peggy asked.
"Yes, but it would do no good to just sit around and worry, we'll be fine." Alfie said to which James smirked agreeing.
It was then that Howard turned and spoke to Peggy about making a stop to do some fonduing.
Alfie remembered this part and couldn't help but chuckle, and unlike the movie, Steve didn't ask Peggy if she and Howard were fonduing.
But Alfie wanted to put Steve's mind at ease.
"Fondue is a hot pot full of cheese where you dip bread in and eat my friend, hahaha." Alfie said as he put his right arm over Steve.
He now seemed to relax, but that was short lived as a sudden loud bang haooened and the plane jerked, the alarm rang.
"Well that's our cue!!" Alfie yelled out.
Both him and James stood up before reaching up the ceiling containers and had two masks out.
Alfie's was the same as before, plated mask and on the inside is clothed, Alfie tied two thin ribbons on the sides of the mask tying it behind his head.
James on the other hand grabbed a mask also themed black and yellow, mostly yellow before putting it in.
(Just like in most comics, original mask, but plated.)
On James back is a shotgun and a M1 Garand poking over his shoulders.
Alfie had his Katana on his right shoulder and also a M1 Garand on his left, where a pistol is on his left hip.
Peggy and Steve behind them were mesmerized by how fully geared the two are.
"Snap out of it, we don't have time, they will blow this tiny plane." Alfie said.
The three put on parachutes before lining up to jump.
James walked to the side door and pushed a lever before pushing the door open, air started going crazy in the plane.
James looked back at James and nodded before he jumped diving down.
The skies were filled with lights from the explosions, Alfie thought of it as beautiful, he then looked back inside.
Steve was being held back by Peggy as she tells him to be careful.
Alfie smirked in his mask before lifting his righ leg, and kicking Steve on the ass.
Steve fell forward onto Peggy as they both lay on the ground.
"Hahaha, do me a favour Agent, give him a kiss before he jumps." Alfie said before falling backwards diving.
He said it because even if Steve had more courage then probably anyone, he still couldn't take the initiative to kiss a girl, not only because of the girls consent but because Steve was nervous.
There was a small and heart throbbing moment between the two's stare, before another explosion went off near and they got back up.
Peggy fixed herself patting her clothes as Steve rushed to the door, but he paused, he turned to the woman with red lipstick and walked towards her, she inhaled with some hope with what she thinks he would do.
And he did it.
With his right hand on her left hip and left hand on her right cheek, he initiated the kiss.
It was short but to them it felt like an eternity.
They slowly pulled back and stared at one another, before another explosion happened.
Steve rushed to the door and spoke.
"Turn this plane around immidiately!!"
The only thing Peggy could say…
"Yes sir…"