
Skill Test

In the American base in Italy, the Colonel ordered the soldiers in one of the barracks areas to clear out.

Alfie requested for that since it might be dangerous as he headed to Steve's tent.

The chances of this Michael appearing where both Alfie and Steve are at are high, of course it definitely looks like a trap but if Alfie's thoughts were right then Michael could just waltz right in with stupid confidence.

The others are still in Howards residence resting, Alfie didn't say anything since he didn't have to and thought he would just handle this himself.

There was no plan really, it was just a lure and battle out.

As some soldiers are making their way out of the area, Alfie and James made their way to Steve's tent who was sitting on his bed with bandages wrapped around his side stomach.

When the two made their entrance they saw not only Steve but also Bucky, which was expected, What wasn't expected was the other few Commandos sitting around.

"What the hell are you guys doing here? Dugan? Jones? Didn't you hear the order to clear this area?" Alfie asked, looking at the 5 sitting on Steve and Bucky's sides.

"Well Cap' is staying so am I." Jokes said.

"There is something going on right? If Steve is staying then so am I." Dugan said.

They must have heard about the assassin going after Steve, how overprotective

"Well then I hope you're ready for a fun fight." Alfie said as he walked up to Steve checking his wound.

James beelined straight for the alcohol.

"Al, what's going on?" Bucky asked.

"Nothing, what makes you think anything is going on?" Alfie avoided by asking.

"Who was that man?" Steve asked.

"He is no one, no need to worry about him." Alfie said as he slowly unwrapped the bandage on Steve's stomach.

"I would believe you, but you and James came fully geared, tell me what's going on." Steve asked a bit more stubbornly.

Alfie didn't answer immediately, instead he checked the wound and hissed.

"Yuck, what happened?" Alfie asked.

"It was some kind of beam, it came from the hand of the cloaked assassin, I think he might be related to Hydra.

He was skilled and had the same kind of blue blast the Hydra uses." Steve said.

Alfie closed the wound back up again before putting his hand over the wound which made Steve grunt in pain.

Steve then suddenly felt overwhelming itching in his wound, he would have asked what Alfie was doing but he endured now and will ask later.

"I'll tell you later, but for now let me and James handle it, just standby for now." Alfie said.

"What do you mean?"

"There is a high chance the assassin will come back later, his business with us isn't finished." Alfie said.

"Us?! Did he also come after you?" Steve asked.

"No, but I have sources that say he has two targets." Alfie said.

Steve suddenly realized that the pain he was feeling in his stomach disappeared, though he did feel like he wanted to scratch inside his skin.

Alfie and Steve organized the small group to stay ready for anything.

It was about two hours and some when Alfie thought of giving up when James finally called out.

"He's here." James said as he stood up.

Alfie also stood up and walked out with James, Steve and Bucky following behind and then everyone.

'So much for all I said' Alfie thought.

There, Alfie finally saw what the man himself looked like.

If this really was Michael, then ha should have gray hair and a scratch going down on the far side of his lips.

But Alfie couldn't see any of them since the man was fully covered in armored tech, and a hood covering his head to his shoulders.

Everything was colored black.

The first thing that came to Alfie's mind was "Robot Ninja."

And the man had short swords on his hips and two swords peaking over his shoulders.

"They didn't tell me this guy wields swords, oh please be an expert in swordsmanship." Alfie slowly walked forward and brought his hands up.

Left hand to his head and brought down his mask and his right hand over his shoulder grabbing his katana before he rushed forward ignoring Steve's warning to be careful.

On the far side, Michael also started moving forward slowly until he grabbed both his swords from his shoulders and sped up just as fast if not faster than Alfie.

In the end of their rush and beginning of their contact, sparks were made from the clash of swords.

Both of Michael's swords were brought down only for Alfie to block it.

He could have easily made two strikes in different directions but he didn't.

And Alfie knew at that moment that this Michael wanted to have a battle just as much as he did.

And surprisingly the two swords Michael had haven't chipped, if anything Alfie had thoughts that they might be Vibranium as well.

"Haha, I think I like you, and I'm enjoying this so far." Alfie said as he faced the assassin looking man.

Michael only harrumphed before kicking out, but Alfie effortlessly sidestepped and did a low sweep only for Michael to jump back casually.

Alfie twirled his sword playfully before rushing up once more.

The sounds of sword clanking on each other and some sparks here and there shown in the night.

Alfie had to work twice as hard not only to block two swords at once but to also strike back.

He was barely using his Chi, but this Michael was also barely trying so Alfie slowly and accurately followed Chi to enhance his performance little by little.

The fight came to a scene where Alfie's Chi fully spiked and he struck overhead.

Michael blocked it off guard using both his swords.

After that Michael swiped Alfie's sword to his left before doing a turning kick where Alfie blocked with his forearm and was forced back sliding.

Alfie smiled, and with his left hand showed Michael his new obtained item.

It was one of the short swords on his hip, which Michael checked, not only was he missing one but both his short swords.

Alfie then equipped one of the short swords on his left and slowly walked up with a stance.

Then another encounter was executed and with less movements Alfie was able to keep up, catching Michael off guard more and dominating the fight.

Alfie put his sword forward blocking the right sword before his Chi flared up again as he made a full strength swipe to the left knocking the sword from Michaels left hand.

Alfie stood there with a smile behind the mask, he spoke.

"Nice to meet you, Michael, you don't seem like a talker."

"I've heard about your story, real tragedy, but it won't make me go easy on you or even feel pity for you, I doubt that's what you need anyways." Alfie said.

"So Let's just get this over with." Alfie started running at him again.

Alfie jumped in the middle of his run and brought his front right leg up for a kick.

Michael didn't move and let the kick come to his chest.


A heavy sound of electricity sounded out before blue electricity crawled around and struck Alfie on the leg blasting him back.

Alfie's leg was numb when he tried to hop back up, he tried to give it time but that's something Michael wouldn't give.

Michael dashed at the leg paralyzed Alfie for a final strike, Steve, Bucky and the others moved to do something but was held by James telling them to wait.

Alfie heard the words spoken by Michael, although quietly.

"For Mary, for Layla, I will kill these fake heroes."

Alfie felt like he should end this sooner or later, taunting and messing with the opponents emotions.

Alfie flicked his left wrist at the coming Michael where the short sword was flung out heading for Michaels head.

Michael moved his head to the left to dodge the attack only for a full powered Chi kick to ram his head on the left side.

A heavy hit to the core of the head.

Michael hit the ground before hoping back up and jumped back twice.

Alfie used one leg from that whole situation, he jumped with his left leg, back kicked with his left leg, and landed back on his left leg.

His right leg was still up in the air the whole time, still half paralyzed.

Alfie shook his right leg which started to come back from being dead or paralyzed..

He looked to Michael to see that the upper face mask of his was out of place, so the guy ripped the mask off showing his eyes and up.

He looked in pain as he grabbed the side of his head where Alfie kicked.

"Are you really coming all the way back here just to kill me and Steve?" Alfie asked.

"I mean with all these gears you have, the one thing you decide to do is time travel back in time to kill off people you don't think much of?"

"Do you really think your wife and child would support this kind of thing?" Alfie asked.

And all the time Alfie spoke, Michael didn't mind him, until he spoke about his wife and child when his eyes fully focused on Alfie.

"I don't call myself a hero no, but do you think killing your daughters heroes would be something she would want if she was alive?" Alfie asked.

"Shut up!!" Michael finally spoke.

He ripped off the lower face mask.

Alfie finally saw his face, it was kind of like George Clooney with the gray hair and scuffle beard, but more savage.

"You don't know nothing about me, you don't know what I feel." Michael softly said but Alfie heard every word.

"I don't have to know anything about you or how you feel to tell you how stupid you are, no wonder you couldn't protect them." Alfie said as the face of Michael began to express anger.

"What was their name again? Mary was the wife righ-" Alfie didn't finish because he had to duck from a side slash from Michael.

"Is it a tough subject to be on? Because if not we can cha-" Alfie dodged another before speaking.

"We can change the topic, do you like heroes Michael?" Alfie said while dodging the swings.

Michael was in a fit of rage as he swung with his hardest, and it may seem like he was doing something, but Michael was sloppy ever since his emotions were disturbed.

Another duck and Alfie came back up with a left kick then a right kick full with Chi blasting Michael back a little too brutally as he rolled a few times before stabbing his sword on the ground to stabilize.

And though Alfie has been messing with the man's emotions for a while, he didn't like it, but it was something to do for the upper hand.

"I heard you promised Mary that you wouldn't come back to this kind of life, I mean it's not the same as being a weapons dealer, but it's also kind of worse." Alfie said.

Michael was looking down, his chest caving from anger, his breath visible, and expression unclear.

'Well I thought he would be more, those agents overestimated this man.' Alfie thought.

But he thought he should push a bit more.

"And what was your daughter's name? Layla?" Alfie asked which sparked a response.

"DO NOT DARE SPEAK HER NAME!!" Michael roared out.

Alfie then saw something.

The gaps of the suit started to glow? Glow in blue, maybe it's some enhancement.

"You couldn't even save her!! But you are blaming it on the heroes? Why can't you blame yourself when you were too weak to do anything!!" Alfie poured gas on the fire.

Michael slowly got up, he didn't say anything but his face donned grave anger, tears flooding and and his teeth clenched.

"You are nothing but a weak man who can't protect his family, you let them die because you are useless!!"

"And if they were here now, they would be disappointed with the sight of you!! They would look in disgus-!!"

"GGGRRRRRAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!" A loud howl came from Michael as he dashed at Alfie, suit fully glowing.

He was faster.

Alfie blocked the sword strike coming from the side only to slide back from the heavy force.

He was stronger.

Alfie fully let out his Chi and with that kept up with the flurry of strikes from Michael, though barely.

Alfie parried more than anything else while Michael didn't even bother blocking.

Alfie changed stances where his right side was up front and left side on the back.

A stance that will let him parry while moving back and around continuously away from the strong force.

On his left, Alfie equipped his handgun before jumping back and aimed at the forehead of Michael who was stunned and picked up his left free hand where a blue energy shield appear from.

But no shot came.

So Michael dashes again only for Alfie to parry a few times then jumps back again taking aim, this time on Michaels shoulder.

Michael brought up the artificial shield but again, no shots were fired.

Michael dashed up again for another scuffle.

It went back and forth like this where each time Alfie would jump back then in at a limb joint or an organ but didn't shoot.

This angered Michael where instead of using the artificial shield, the left arm of his started to mutate into what looks like Iron-Man's reactor blasts.

And by the time Alfie recognized it, the high beam blast already got his forearm to his elbows blasting him back.

Michael took one step to end Alfie but a white silhouette jumped from his side and bit his arm which didn't really do anything.

Michael looked closely at the thing which seemed to be a wolf, a white wolf.

It was chewing on his arm ferociously but all it's done was spread it's saliva on his suit.