
Redskull’s Demise Part 1

Three days later when morning came everyone was on ready, big trucks driving back and forth while up in the air planes landed and took off either dropping or delivering things.

Today was the day that everyone is preparing to head off to battle, the base was alarming with an ongoing siren making things more tense and exciting more than it was.

In one of the tents close to the exit towards the north where the attack is heading towards, a group of field commanders were making last minute small plans and reviews for the day's counterattack.

Alfie, Steve, James, Bucky, Peggy, Selena and everyone who was someone was in there going over the past weeks and some plans over again.

The plan was Steve' as everyone agreed that they can't let Johann escape again so Cap will take the lead and head in before getting captured and get close enough to Red Skull.

After that three individual attacks will be made on the three corners of the HYDRA base up the mountains.

Three sides of the base is facing outward while the back left of the face was connected to the snowy mountain which was where the long hangar plane road started and the exit/entry point would be on the other side of the mountains which was rather long taking minutes for the big plane in canon just to pop out.

But on the base there was 4 big beam-powered weapons aiming outside for intruders.

Once Steve makes it inside a plane will arrive high enough that maybe it won't be detected and three enhanced people will jump out and drop all the way down using Wingsuit Gliders.

Something Alfie and Howard came up with some time ago and finally found a reason for the project hence "inventing" it.

These were something Alfie knew about in his past life obviously, and the three enhanced people that will be dropping is Alfie, James and Selena.

They took a day to practice the wingsuits and they got familiar with it immediately.

The drops are on the 3 corners of the base where three beam canons were, after destroying those they will head for the biggest canon on the higher ground.

This first phase was to reduce the enemy's power and also reduce the Allies casualties.

Sure it was risky to head in like this, but that is why all four of these people are enhanced and are capable.

After that, the full on attack will commence and HYDRA will fall...temporarily.

The other commanders will lead their own companies and groups to seize the base along with Bucky and Rolo leading the Howling Commandos and Wardogs while Erza and Rona will lead their sisters themselves.

Then hopefully when all the big moves are done Steve might have already captured RedSkull.

Back to the tent.

Alfie walked out fully geared up with his Deathstroke plated armour with no mask, a cup of coffee on his right while stretching his left hand in front of the tent blocking everyone's way who tried to get out.

But it didn't work as Peggy came from his back left bumping him almost spilling his coffee.

Peggy walked off with a smirk and Selena and a few others also came out of the tent on his left.

The night Alfie and Selena slept together was just that, a night, Alfie didn't expect anything and thankfully Selena didn't either.

They didn't get closer or more intimate but they did get more familiar with each other.

About two nights ago Alfie threw a small party where Commanders and the people Alfie knew cane to have a relaxing time before going back to work. Everyone got drunk and ate great food, it was a good night.

As everyone made their way to their stations and such Steve, James came out and stood at the front of the tent with Selena not too far from them.

"Is everyone ready?" Steve asked.

Just a few moments ago in the tent with everyone he gave an inspiring speech that made everyone's blood rumble in excitement for this attack.

Now he might give another speech to the three of them.

"As ready as one can Steve." Alfie said as James nodded with a grunt.

"Me and my warriors have been ready the day we have arrived." Selena said to Steve.


Gear up and prepare yourselves, this will be the battle to finally end this war, this is bigger than any of us so we can't fail, if we fail...then the consequences is not something we wanna imagine.

The four of us have the strength and capabilities to lead the Allies and do things any one person can ever do, and that is what we will do, we each have our objectives which will make things easier for everyone and harder for the opponents…." Steve then looked at Alfie before continuing.

"...it is expected for us to be hurt or die the moment we signed up, but we will not go down without fighting, so let's go out there and give them hell." Steve finished as he raised his shield and put it on his back.

And like it was on cue the surroundings quiet down a little and the cold wind blew past the four, Alfie resisted the urge to do or say anything stupid at this moment as it was too serious by the looks of their faces.

"Damn straight Steve!!" Alfie said encouraging the moment.

"For the glory!!" Selena shouted.

Alfie stepped up to Steve and patted his shoulders before speaking.

"Be careful, even if you're not scrawny anymore.

On your signal, Cap." Alfie said as he started to make his way to the landing zone a few minutes away in the jeep followed by Selena and James.


About an hour and some change soon, Steve radio'd the others as they finally moved.

Steve got on his motorcycle and started riding out.

A few minutes a plane took off with Alfie and the others.

Everyone else had to wait for a while before they really started marching and driving, giving the others a head start.

The four that just left weren't the first to leave though, rather a few elites in the Howling Commandos and Wardogs head out during the dark as they had other objectives and such.

Luna was with Rona as they clumsily and warily hopped onto a military truck taking them.

Soon enough Steve entered enemy territory, he drove a few more miles before running into a few HYDRA bike riders on patrol.

About 6 or 7 followed behind him, but with the few dangerous devices Howard Stark planted on his bike he was able to be creative on thinning their numbers.

He took out two using a rope that shot out both to the side miraculously piercing two trees, and best of all these HYDRA soldiers couldn't even shoot an easy target, a lot of them are bad shooters.

Steve made his way to the HYDRA base entrance where a tank was situated on the front entrance shooting at...basically nothing…

Steve was the god of luck in the battlefield, and not only that but HYDRA soldiers with advanced weapons look like they are trying to shoot a fly a mile away.

As Steve made his way into the base blowing up the tank and using the entrance as a ramp and jumping inside and riding forward with NO ONE still able to make one shot on him.

Steve jumped off his bike as it sped towards a closed gate blowing up alarming the whole HYDRA base more than before.

Steve made his way with his fist and shield, at first more than a few idiots decided to fight up close but others learned and knew better as they kept their distance shooting at Steve from afar.

As Steve took cover behind one of the tanks he grabbed the gun from his hip which was a AM-44 complimentary from Alfie himself and took a few shots before taking cover again.

Before he can peak out again he instinctively stepped back as three projectiles suddenly pierced onto the tank he took cover on.

Looking closely it was three sharp stars, ninja stars to be precise, and that could only mean one thing- The Hand.

Alfie looked back on his side to see no one, not one shadow Alfie had once told him about, this made Steve more alarmed.

He tried to move to get another cover but moved back again as flames were blowing onto the spot he stood on seconds ago.

Another big soldier with two flamethrowers appeared behind his back and not long the area was full of HYDRA aiming their weapons at Steve who put his hand up surrendering.


"I think that should be enough time." Alfie said before he shouted at the pilot to make another round and then open up the latch.

Alfie, Selena and James were wearing baggy suit that had wings between their arms and torso.

Selena and James were both frustrated with how troublesome it feels, but now that they were dropping soon they impatiently got up and prepared for their drops.

Alfie donned his orange and black themed mask with excitement, James had his mask on already with a cigar hanging out of his mouth.

Selena looked excited to drop and glide, when they did a few tests to get familiar with the Wingsuits she always rushed to be the first to drop.

But now she was dropping first again.

"Ready? You remember how to rip and pull right?" Alfie yelled as the door on the plane opened for them to jump.

Selena nodded with a smile before she walked to the shuttle and stood there looking down, she waited for her signal. And when the light on the side of the plane turned green she jumped yelling in excitement before yelling Hera's name.

Next was James, there wasn't much excitement, just the urge to get it over with so he can finally have some relaxing day.

Alfie didn't need to say anything as he just patted James' shoulders when the light turned green and he jumped with a grunt.

Soon Alfie's light turned green and he fell like a stick before he rode the wind, it was unstable when he fell but he stabilized himself after a while, the others probably stabilized themselves as well.

As he rode the wind downward he could somehow see James and Selena's figures from afar as well.

And down below there were more than a few big cannon beams, but the three biggest ones are their goals, luckily they were all asked at the entrance as the base most likely got word that the Allies are grouping up and moving towards them.

As Alfie skillfully glided down close to the small dome cannon beam he prepared himself, as he got as close to about a few hundred meters he grabbed a ring connected to a belt on his left before he pulled.

When he pulled the belt the Wingsuit was ripped starting from the left and then dropping on the right.

And as he got closer to the ground Alfie grabbed two pulleys on his sides and pulled hard and the parachute behind his back flourished and fully opened as it significantly slowed his fall greatly.

And when he was about less than 50 meters to the ground, Alfie unsheathed his sword from his shoulders and cut the parachute lines making him drop to the ground with a superhero landing.



Byt the time the nearby Soldiers saw the parachute on the corner of their eyes it was too late, Alfie already started hacking and shooting as he made his way into the small dome building below the cannon beam.

The other two also started, cutting their lines and dropping as well.

Selena had the armor Wonder Woman used in the movie, but under everything there was a kevlar suit under them which hid any skin from legs to neck and a small jacket around her shoulders that was gifted to her by Peggy herself.

The Amazons were also given a few Kevlar suits to wear.

By the time the HYDRA soldiers noticed her and moved their weapons to aim at her she was already moving.

A golden shield in front of her and a sword on her right.

She took a leap forward as she bashed one of the enemy with her shield and then brought her sword down onto the HYDRA soldiers shoulders cutting deep all the way down to the chest before she put her left leg on the man's chest and took her sword out of him.

"FOR HERA!!" She yelled as she rushed in.

To her everything slowed down as she moved her shield fluidly to block any beams from touching her, none of the weapons she has are special.

The only thing she has that was "blessed" was the star emblem tiara on her head, something in the treasury her mother treasured, it has its own story.

Along with the sword and shield her sister took and ran with, but today she will get it back along with her sister as well.

At this moment more than a few weapons were aimed at her before it beamed out, she ducked as some of the beams were shot past her and hit other HYDRA soldiers she then rotated her body using the momentum to swiped her double edged blade cutting the few legs she was able to see

She soon made her way to the 1st big cannon, but when she got there...


One of the cannons was already blown up, she smiled wondering who did it first.

Selena took out three grenades that were tied together by a string before she took out three of the rings and headed out of the small building carelessly.


Her objective has been completed, she heads for the 4th and biggest cannon on the upper center of the base.

As she made her way there another explosion sounded, but it wasn't the other cannon but the front entrance of the base.

The Allies were here and that was when it started to really get chaotic, and then the last cannon out of the three on the corner finally exploded.