
Alley Scuffle


Alfie was kicked back against the wall of the alley from both of Batman's kicks.

At Least that's what he looks like, the dark figure had everything Batman has except for the bat symbol on the chest and beyond.

Alfie looked at the dark figure with disgust and frustration, as nothing was exchanged other than "Batman" rushing at him and double kicking him on the chest.

Alfie would have dodged...but he was fast, superhumanly fast.

Not only was Alfie getting overly frustrated, he also wondered what the actual fuck was going on.

(Like most of the readers😏😂😂)

Not only did he feel like he woke up later than 70 years like Steve was supposed to, but now it seemed like there is a "Batman" as well.

"I'm not in the mood, why are you attackin-"



Alfie couldn't finish when out of "Batman's" cape a grappling gun came shooting at him, but Alfie was quick and had an almost passive instinct towards coming objects.

And so he moved to the side as the 3 claw hook from the grappling gun dug into the wall clamping down hard, and as Alfie saw how the hook was digging in, his eyes widened.

Alfie jumped back just enough to dodge another attack from "Batman" who came at his head with a flying kick.

Alfie backed up again and relaxed himself but also aware of any more strikes.

*Puchuu* x3

And just as he wanted to open his mouth to speak again, Alfie did a backflip right after moving back as three projectiles came in stabbing into the wall beside him moments ago.

Looking close, Alfie realized it was three batarangs, and there it was finally proven that the dark figure took on the symbol of the bat in his weapons.

Alfie also realized something, this dark wannabe "Batman" figure was good at fighting, but that wasn't important right now.

Alfie had to get this over with so he could go to the New York Sanctum and find out what the hell is going on.

He also wondered if Steve was alright, because now that he saw how different the world is when he woke up he couldn't help but wonder what else is different.

It worried him, he may have messed with history but he hopes his knowledge of the future still remains, or else he won't know what to expect when to expect it.

Alfie lowered himself and with his right reached down to his hip and grabbed a combat knife he snatched from the agents some time ago and in his left was the pistol.

Alfie won't speak again, he tried to but he was interrupted the first time, so when he gives this "Batman" a beatdown, there won't be any interruptions.

The pistol Alfie had was a bit different than normal ones as on the slide there were numbers and symbols on it.

But it didn't matter much to Alfie as it worked the same way as the pistols he has used before.

The combat knife which was around 5 inches was held back handedly.

Seeing Alfie lowering his stance and in a battle stance had the dark figure frowning behind the mask.

The cape from the shoulders came and covered up his body again other than its head and stood there staring at Alfie waiting for the first move.

The alley was silent for a bit, before the sounds of Alfie's footsteps resounded as he made the first move running in.

"Batman" stood there waiting without movements other than staring at the coming Alfie.

Once Alfie was a few meters away from him, "Batman's" cape slightly opened and a batarang rushed at Alfie to strike the head only for Alfie to casually slash it away with the knife before jumping and kicking at "Batman."

"Batman" simply turned to the right and back stepped fully dodging the kick from the air.

"Barman was confused of why Alfred McBride would do an attack from the air where one would be full of openings, yet he knew it was a trick somehow.

And even though he knew it might be a trap, "Batman" still stepped in and his cape fully opened as he did a simple punch against Alfie's liver.

At that moment "Batman" paused as his eyes widened, and quickly hisfist came back and his left hand came up followed by his cape.




Three repetitive shots came from Alfie, something "Batman" saw which made him defend himself.

Between Alfie's stomach and elbow, the mouth of the pistol was aimed to the right, shooting through as smoke roamed around it.

On Alfie's right, "Batman" had his cape up fully blocking anything including the bullets.

This happened in only a second, and Alfie was slowly starting to fall, but before he touched the ground he extended his legs again kicking out at the cape covered "Batman" kicking him back.

As "Batman" was blown back, Alfie expected him to hit the ground by the way he was falling fast.

But then…


The sound of piercing wind sounded out before "Batman" disappeared.

Alfie frowned, he wasn't able to see much even though he was right in front of him.

It was like a drop of water falling into a river, and then nothing.

The darkness being the river and "Batman" the drop of water.

This dark figure seemed to have an affinity with the shadows or something, and the first thing that came into Alfie's mind was the Hand's shadow arts.

But before he could think more further on that topic, the right side's darkness seemed to have rippled before a fist came out of nowhere aiming at Alfie's face.

Alfie picks up his right hand where the combat knife was held, and blocks the fist using his forearm.

The moment "Batman's" fist touched Alfie's forearm, Alfie flicked his right hand forward as quick as he can towards "Batman's" open mask's mouth to slash him but a kick was felt on his stomach as Alfie took a few steps back before sliding on his legs and right hand.

Alfie stood up before smiling, he then rushed at the dark figure as he was in a rush to finish this fight, his three shots earlier got the authorities and will be coming towards them soon.

"Batman" seems to also realize this as he rushed at Alfie starting with a few batarangs which Alfie shot down easily ignoring the consequences of the loud sounds.

Alfie succeeded with the first attack, jumping forward and hit "Batman's" chest with his left shoulder before bringing his right hand and swiped chaotically at "Batman's" chin.

And it slashed from the bottom of the chin to the cheek leaving a red mark with blood dripping and spreading on the left side of his face.

A frown made its way into "Batman's" face behind the mask as he rushed forward with a surprising speed and hit the side of Alfie's face with an elbow before jumping and kneeing Alfie's chest and chin throwing him back with dizziness.

But before Alfie can catch "Batman's" dark figure, he noticed he wasn't there only to be hit in the back with a light kick first then another bone breaking kick sending him forward.

As Alfie was sent forward he put his hand on the ground before flipping him to the right side up and turning to the dark figure who was moving towards him with a shadowy flying speed of maneuvering before doing a 360 back kick towards Alfie's face.

Alfie brought up his hand to block the kick, and he did, but as soon as he felt the kick, the weight behind it immediately disappeared and another kick came from the top down towards his face.

And seeing how comfortable the dark figure is getting, Alfie donned an expressionless face as he fully focused.

Raising his hand again for the block, as soon as the strike hit his hand Alfie brought up his left hand and pulled the trigger.



The two shots were successfully blocked by the dark figure's cape, and as soon as the sound of the gun stopped, the dark figure let down his cape fully alert and saw Alfie in front of him already sending the knife towards his face.

"Batman" raised up his hands to stop the blade at Alfie's wrist and ready to raise his legs for his strike when the time comes.

But he saw Alfie tilted the direction of the knife as it went down diagonally fully missing him, he then saw Alfie going lower.

The movement was quick, and the dark figure saw Alfie get low then did a 360 kick sweep around knocking his legs.

As "Batman" fell Alfie was already doing his next strike by doing a backflip and then kicking out to "Batman's" stomach before he lands.

But the moment the kick connected it felt like Alfie hit something hard, soft and then nothing.

In his eyes, Alfie saw the dark figure move fast through the shadows like smoke dodging his kick.

After dodging, the shadowy smoke came back again as "Batman" formed in front of Alfie doing another double knee kick.

Alfie was kicked back, and in mid-air he picked up his gun to shoot when a batarang came knocking the pistol out of Alfie's hands as he grit his teeth in anger at the fact that a weapon was easily knocked off his hand.

Alfie hit the ground and flipped back onto his legs before he pulled the rifle on his back letting it spray rapidly at "Batman" who pulled his cape up.

And while his cape was up blocking the gunshots, from behind the cape were a few batarangs flying out from the sides.

Alfie saw this and turned the rifle shooting down the coming batarangs.

But this gave enough time for the dark figure to arrive in front of Alfie and attempted a punch.

Now this punch was dodged easily, but this wasn't what "Batman" was after, as the moment Alfie dodged to the side, the dark figure kicked the rifle away from Alfie's hands.

Alfie turned sideways before sending his legs out twice successfully hitting the dark figure on the stomach then face knocking "Batman" back.

Alfie stood there and scoffed before tossing the knife on his left hand away, and putting his hands up for hand to hand combat.

They then ran at each other again this time without much tricks or gadgets.

Alfie struck first with his fist, but it was blocked before "Batman" elbowed Alfie's face then brought it back for another successful elbow to the other side of Alfie's face.

They went back and forth punches, kicks, elbows, knees, palms, forward kicks among other body strikes.

Through the fight, they were both learning and fighting better as it went on.

But the thing was that the dark figure had the better hand in the fight, even if it was small.

And there was a reason for this, as Alfie has never really had an opponent in his fights with skills.

The Hand may have had the most skills he had ever gone up against, but Alfie would at times just use his strength and speed to overcome those battles.

And in the end, there was not much challenge, at least individually, as he gets his challenges from his fights from groups.

Like a group of the highest tiered shadow ninjas, but alone they weren't anything to sweat about.

The literal shadow in front of him had everything he had and more, strength, speed, skills, and precision along with surprise.

At least at the moment.

"Over there!! It came from over there!!"

The two heard, a voice among others which was most likely the authorities, or S.H.I.E.L.D., more S.H.I.E.L.D. than any others at most.

A slight distraction gave Alfie the chance, and he tackled the dark figure before ramming him on a building through the glass as they ended up inside what looks like a bar.

Alfie clicked his tongue before running off for the exit, but before he could grab onto the handle, something grabbed him from the back and he was spun before thrown off into another glass breaking through, ending up outside.

"You are pissing me off." Alfie said with a calm tone betraying what he says.

But "Batman" didn't speak as he casually walked out from the building door.

Alfie spit before he bent his knees lowering himself into a battle stance.

"Batman" also took a stance with his hands balled up into fists.

And they moved in, and just before the two could take their first steps few lights lit up the alley they were in fully showing everything unhidden.

"Stop!! Do not move, I repeat, Do Not Move, we will use force.

Stop moving and raise your hands where it can be seen." A loud voice from one of the helicopters sounded out and they lit up the two brightly.

From the roof of the buildings around, many agens flowed in filling the rooftops aiming their laser sights against the two figures on the alley.

"Batman" put down his arms as his cape automatically closed down covering his entire body alarming the agents even more.

"Put your hands out now!! Bring it out where it can be seen!!" The voice yelled again.

But "Batman" didn't move, he looked around observing carefully.

Which Alfie was doing the same, observing with a tinge of scowl against the dark figure.

Now that the lights have shown, the dark figure was really "Batman" without the chest bat symbol.

Before he can think more, or the agents say anything more, and "Batman" observes more, something appears underneath Alfie fast.

It was like an eye, simply opening up then closing as Alfie fell through it.

The agents started screaming and alarmed at the sudden disappearance while "Batman" looked at the spot Alfie was in before with shock.

And before any of the agent's could say anything, a smoke bomb went off below "Batman's" feet before engulfing the area he was standing on and disappeared with the agents alarmed and searching the area.


A magic circle appeared out of nowhere and from it came Alfie as he fell on his back.

"Ugh, ow…" Alfie grunted as he slowly sat up.

He looked around to see a familiar interior and then saw The Ancient One.

"Teach!!" Alfie said as he pounced at her for a hug only for a magic teleportation circle to appear in front of him teleporting him to the same spot he fell from.

"Ugh, still so emotionless." Alfie said as he sat up.

"I have missed you too, Master McBride." The Ancient One said.

"Master? Now that's new, wasn't I always an apprentice?"

"You have mastered your own Chi, and are at a level where grandmasters spend their long lives to achieve."

"I'm a master, that's cool and all...but…"Alfie didn't say anything and just looked at her.

"I suppose you might wanna know about your current situation, and who that man was that made you run." She teased.

"I didn't run, I just need to calm down and figure out what's going on. And I definitely would have killed him if I was in full condition, my Chi isn't even working probably, and that's one of the things I need to figure out." Alfie said as he faced The Ancient One.

"One amongst many, you have slept through many decades and there is much for you to figure out."