

In Manhattan, the sound of police sirens rung throughout the city. And more specifically in Harlem, two police cars were rushing through the streets to interfere in a possible threat to civilians.

As the two officer in the front car rode on responding on the radio, they saw a few shadows shown on the sides of the buildings before.




The roof of the car was dented before the same kind of noise was made on their front hood.

They looked forward to getting a clear look as the police car skidded into a halt. All they saw was the figure of a man who was armored and loaded with a few weaponry before he jumped and disappeared along with the noise on their roof.

Outside of the panicked cops in the car, Batman was using his grapnel gun to boost himself from the ground as he quickly moved up to a building's ledge.

The only problem for him is that Deathstroke was right below him holding on to his left leg.

Deathstroke helf the left leg without much effort as the grapnel gun was struggling to bring the both of them up. And as Batman and the grapnel gun were struggling, Deathstroke brought his right arm back reaching for one of the katanas behind his shoulders.

They weren't as special as the Katana he had years ago which he last remembered Selena had. But they were still something made for battle rather than simple house decorations.

As he unsheathed the sword, Batman saw and heard it and he also saw his opportunity. Batman has been kicking and moving around trying to lose the grip Deathstroke has but the hand was tight and was always dodging the kicks.

So when Deathstroke raised the sword in attack, Batman quickly pulled his left leg up and kicked down with his right leg straight to the mask of Deathstroke.


The kick was blocked but it resulted in Deathstroke losing his grip and fell down as Batman lost the extra weight and went up quicker than before.

Reaching the ledge, Batman detached the hook from the grapnel gun and quickly pulled himself on the edge.


A familiar sound made its way to his ears as his cape suddenly had some weight and was pulled back violently and stumbled tripping from the ledge but safes himself as he hung onto the ledge.


Behind Batman, Deathstroke flew up before flipping into a stable landing on the roof and putting the visible graphnel gun he had behind his back.

Batman took his time and pulled himself up without worry as Deathstroke let him, waiting for the chance of a fair fight. A beating at least.

Hey now both stood facing each other on one side of the roof to the other, and the light from around the city lit them up bright enough to see each other clearly.

Deathstroke was now able to get a clear look at this Batman, and in turn Batman was able to see Alfie's new suit.

Deathstroke's suit was now more skintight than the usual platings, but there was extra thick-like leather on vital spots and so on. The new suit was made from combinations of strong materials, where few are more than capable of resisting bullets. But what Alfie likes more than anything is that it is stretchy which leaves him to move not only flexible but quick as well.

Then again, even if bullets won't go through him, it would still leave him bruised and in pain.

Atman on the other hand managed to make a suit that doesn't look too silly like a grown man trying to fit in a costume for halloween.

(This Batman's suit is exactly like the one in "Batman Origins" since that was probably one of my favorite suits of all time.)

Batman now has his cape covering his whole body from shoulders to the ground making it hard for any enemies to predict what kind of move or gadgets he will execute.

Deathstroke sheathed his katana back and stood facing the dark figure feeling the scowl and the teeth grinds.

"Don't look at me like that, you started this. I don't know who the hell you are and I wouldn't really care...but you attacked me for some reason.

So now I also have a reason to track you down and put you down."

All he got in response was a grunt and more glaring from the Batman.

There were many things in his mind, and one of them was "why a bat?" There is no denying he likes Batman but for someone to take that role himself and play Batman? Alfie was here to beat the hell out of this "Batman" wannabe for not only targeting him previously but for having the balls to dress up as one of his favorite heroes.

There is only one Batman and it will stay that way.

The two continued the long stare off for just a bit more before they finally moved.





Unexpectedly they didn't run against each other but rather to the side before jumping roofs and don't seem to be doing direct contact combat.

But as they ran parallel to each other, projectiles were thrown at each other whether those are batarangs or kunais.

Deathstroke had a kunai on his right hand which he used to block or deflect the coming batarangs while Batman either dodged or used his cape to block the coming kunais.

As this was progressing S.H.I.E.L.D. was also making moves. The one and only Steve Rogers A.k.a. Captain America is showing signs of consciousness and a few task forces are moving in on a sudden report of another skirmish between a vigilante and a person guaranteed to be Alfred McBride.

But in a very fancy mansion in upstate New York, there was a simple room which was more focused in the middle where a round table resides with one chair.

The room was empty until the door opened and walked in Randall donning an expressionless face.

He then sat down as a hud popped up in front of him, he pressed on a few things before 8 dots appeared above the table. One was above his head colored green while 7 more around colored red.

Minutes later nothing happened, a maid came in serving Randall some tea as he calmly sipped his tea.


Soon After, many noises were made as three of the red dots turned green one by one.

"Wow, how long has it been since we've used this old thing?" A man asked.

In front of Randall were three blue digital-like people spread out around the round table. One was a hispanic man around his 40's, another man was maybe as old as Randall as his hair seemed to have grey'd out on the sides.

And the last was a young woman in her 20's. It was Rona.

"It wasn't that long, maybe 3 or 4 years ago." The woman said.

"Well it's actually a long time darling, you may not think much of it considering all the centuries you've built up." The middle aged man said.

"Watch your tongue Luis, it is not wise to bring up a woman's age." Rona said as she crossed her arms.

"How sad, I think our society is poisoning your mind, the old Rona I know would announce her age without a second thought." Luis said.

"I know not what you speak of, I have only got wiser the more I stay in the world of men." Rona said.

"The world of men? Darling with the way things are now, it might as well be the world of women now." Luis said with a smirk. "I wouldn't mind if you rule my world."

"Your wife would not be happy with your courting." Rona smiled back.

"Hahahaha, it was a joke, you don't have to take it so seriously...or speak of it at all." Luis said with his hands in the air.

"That empty brain of yours is always a good part of entertainment, even if it only thinks of one thing." The old man who has been quite finally spoke.

Luis wanted to respond but the old man just ignored him and spoke to Randall.

"What is the reason for this call Randall? I have work to do." The old man said.

"All in due time, I will tell you everything once everyone is present." Randall said as he poured his cup more tea.

Luis slumped on his seat and spoke instead. "It's probably about Alfie, I mean he's been ou-"

"Hey!!" Randall finally lost the dramatic composure and pointed at Luis with a menacing look. "I will be the one to inform everyone, you keep it shut!!"

"Suit yourself." Luis shrugged.

"Alfie?! What is this about?! Is there signs tha-"

"Like I said…Delgado." Randall stopped the other old man. "I will inform you along with everyone else." Randall tried his best to get back into the dramatics.

Delgado on the other hand just massaged his temples sighing.

"Rona, are you there yet?" Randall turned his attention to Rona.

"Not yet, I'm still on the plane heading there." She was on her way to her motherland Deliosa to inform the new Queen of the return of the Black Wolf.

"Well give my regards to the princess if you see her."

"It's Queen now, sir."

"Oh, right."


Another few pings made its way to the four's ears as more digital blue figures popped up. Three people in all, 2 old men and 1 middle aged lady.

"Good, it seems most of us are here. Powell, Dushnoll, Costa. Good to see you again." Randall greeted.

"This better be good Randall, I don't have time for this, in fact I shouldn't even be here considering the critical situation I'm in." Powell said in a hurry.

"..." Dushnoll stayed quiet.

"Well well well, looks like the gangs all here, what is it this time? 'Cause I don't think I'll be surprised after everything I've been involved with." Costa who was the woman spoke with a smile before looking at Luis. "Hey honey."

"Hello darling." Luis responded back.

"Now we only need to wait for Johnson." Randall said as everyone looked at the empty corner.

"She is probably off introducing those ludicrous laws again." Powell said.

But just as he started, another ping sounded and the last person popped up long enough to hear the whole sentence.

"Those Laws, General Powell, are the tasks I was given to. If you've any problems with it or me then I suggest you tell it straight to my face or ask the dead bastard who gave me the tasks." Johnson said with clear and unwavering confidence.

"Whether I have a problem with it or not does not matter, there is nothing I can do with it. I have bigger problems to worry about." Powell let the potential argument die down.

"What? No debates this time?" Luis spoke up.

"It's always a comedy to hear these government officials blap out against things they don't understand." Costa said chuckling. "But I agree with the General, now is not a good time."

All eyes are now on Randall who held his dramatic expressions.

"Now that the pack is all present…"

"Stop wasting our time and get on with it!!" Powell screamed.

"If this ended up a waste of time…" Delgado didn't finish and left it for Randall to imagine the rest.

"Stop being annoying or I'll put another bullet in your knee!!" Costa threatened.

"This childishness does not match your age, Ravens." Johnson said with a steady glare.

Luis on the other hand just laughed it off about how overly dramatic Randall always makes these meeting out to be, and how the others were feeling the cringe.

These people are not just random unknowns or nobodys.

Randall Ravens, one of the most successful businessmen in the globe and more.

Rona Meadus, an Amazon warrior with more than 400 years of age and a captain of a group of Amazons.

General Colin Powell, a General that has worked his way up through the wars since the 60's and is now a 4-star General.

Doctor Jose Rodriguez Delgado, a scientist who is known to achieve feats in his research on mind control through electrical stimulation of the brain and more on behind the public.

Luis Lopez, a sorcerer, and more specifically an exorcist who has been operating all over the globe for more than 70 years.

Regina Johnson, a congresswoman who also made her way up the chain and is now a very respected woman even out of the country.

Evalina Costa, the don, or in other words the Italians crime boss who has her hands deep in New York and around most criminal organizations around the globe.

And the quiet Mikael Dushnoll, a russian with gray hair who doesn't do much but cross his arms and "sleep." Not much is known about his role in the game other than Randall, Rona and Luis.

As all these figures looked at Randall with a bit of annoyance and amusement, Randall finished his long sentence.

"...I would like to inform you that, the Alpha has awakened."



Keep scrolling there's nothing left for this chapter!!