Patar, where everything started and where everything has to end!

Diana inhaled an amount of air as soon as they entered the entrance gates of the said region. The region was totally different from the others. Just as they said, each region differs depending on it's dwellers status and she must say that the place was quite advanced. Most of the buildings were made of cement and the people were a bit civilized--- if she may describe.

Well, if this region was a bit normal from where she came from, then how was the royal city differs from the rest! She bet it was a damn good place to live in!

She wanted to see it but according to Sargon, the ship that sails to the outside world only comes once in six months or worst, a year, and she's lucky to spot one these days. Though the deal was done through backdoor transaction. If she won't take that ship then apparently, she'll have to wait for another six months to one year before she returns to where she came from.