"Fifty gold bars… Just make sure to eliminate him and his ship within the day. Forget about the rewards if you fail within the given time." A man in his fifties ordered the five big men to do the nasty job.

"It's the Supreme Macy ship, right?" One of the big men asked.

"That's right." The man nodded. 

"What about the other passengers?"

"I don't care about them as long as you complete your job."

"This is a difficult task, sire."

"Are you saying you cannot do it?"

"That's not what I mean sir. But the casualties will be great, I think 50 won't do."

"Oh…" The man leered in contempt. "You want me to add some more? Okay, fine. I'll add another 20 as long as you do a clean job."

"Deal." Filled with confidence, the man twitched his lip upwards.

"Let's go!" He called out then he and his companions left the man's house.