"Are you going to bring them all with you?" The old man creased his brow unbelievingly. 

Sargon couldn't believe his ears when Liam went to talk to him about their departure tomorrow morning. That afternoon, he was not expecting to see the military winged messenger of the Shadow knight's group so he rushed to meet the bird flying around the area.

The team must have encountered a problem on their mission that Cole decided to send him a message. The red knot that was tied around the bird's foot indicates that it's an urgent message. So as soon as the winged messenger landed in his arm, he immediately took the small piece of paper and read the content.

("You are badly needed here. The chief refused to see us unless the head of the shadow knights come to him personally.") It was the letter that Cole sent him. It didn't even mention the reason why the chief wanted to meet Liam.